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  • The worst kind of stupid doesn't need to learn about databases because it's just common sense.

  • dis what you get for working with 19 year old kids with inflated egos whom you only hired to worship you. Also when someone who is not an expert in a field has the confidence to make grand claims about practices in that field, it is a very nice litmus paper telling you that person is generally bullshitting.

  • Calling someone a retard for believing something that's obviously true is straight out of the flat-Earther playbook.

  • SSNs are literally just handed out to hospitals and social security offices in batches and given out in sequential order. They were specifically and intentionally designed to be a terrible system of ID numbers because people actually used to care about their privacy. There are countless people who've gone their whole lives using the wrong social security number and gotten their benefits just fine, because unlike everyone else in this dumpster fire of a country the social security office has never been stupid enough to rely on just a single number.

  • You guys are idiots, they use dbeaver and pgadmin not sql.. Or maybe its Acess yes they use Acess