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  • In our 6/10 review, IGN said: "Though a stylish adventure, The Order: 1886 emphasizes its cinematic polish at the crippling cost of gameplay freedom."

    I think this is the crux of it. It doesn't mean you can't make single player games or short games. It still has to be a fun video game. I'd actually love more short games, but if there's only one prescribed way it can be played, it loses a lot of appeal.

    • I don't know that it needs more than one prescribed way to play, it just needs to be "good". I know that's a vague term though. But a short, cinematic well executed game sounds pretty appealing to me to be honest. But maybe I've just been playing too many lengthy CRPGs lately. I find myself longing for something short and sweet.

      • By modern standards, Halo 1-3 are short games, but there's a lot of freedom and reason to improvise in any given combat encounter, and the reputation of The Order was that it didn't offer anything like that.

  • Critics said the poster art was too woke and political and needed more good looking white guys with facial hair