No limits: This survival RPG lets you explore an entire earth-sized world
No limits: This survival RPG lets you explore an entire earth-sized world
No limits: This survival RPG lets you explore an entire earth-sized world
I mean... Plenty of games can do that. Size isn't that impressive in a procedurally generated world.
Also... Was this article written by AI or just the laziest "journalist?" Calling Fextralife an individual person is the same as saying "the hacker known as 4chan."
Yeah, No Man's Sky let's you explore an infinite amount of planets.
Light No Fire is the latest project from Hello Games, the studio behind the now-successful No Man's Sky. Instead of exploring deep space, players will venture into a lively fantasy world with dynamic biomes. Announced in late 2023, the game was unveiled with this trailer:
So the fact that the blew the release of NMS by overpromising makes me skeptical that it will be nearly as immersive as the promo and the claims, but it is possible that they learned and are being truthful.
They've explicitly acknowledge the overpromise in the part of NMS (And, thanks to the continuous, rolling, free and global updates to NMS, have more than delivered on everything they promised and then a load more that they didn't promise, including next-generation graphical updates, and entire new procedural generation systems that have added even more to the environment).
They've gone above and beyond to deliver, I'd even hazard a guess that they've over-delivered as far as any bureaucratic or financial director is concerned. They're working full-time on NMS nearly 10 years on from release! They've done enough to warrant a modicum of trust.
I'm not pre-ordering, but I'll be watching with interest, and will likely buy on day-one.
I mean it's pretty different already. There's one world to explore instead of an infinite number, so the procgen should be a bit tighter.
No limits? Can you poo on your hand and throw it at someone?
Monkey simulator 2025
: This Time it's Poosonal.
I better be able to customize my baboons butt color!