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  • The old chicken-and-egg problem... (not to be confused with another egg.)

    What if someone created and maintained a Lemmy community about the topic, and then contacted that Reddit mod for help? Mostly stuff like:

    • hey, would it be fine if we copied the contents of your wiki?
    • could you link our community in yours?
    • etc.

    This would increase the visibility of the information, and provide a backup for both the info and discussion space, without burdening HiddenStill even further. They didn't just say "I'm burned out" - they also sound burned out.

    That "someone" needs to be a trans person who has an active interest on the topic.

    (Just my two cents. I'm cis. I can wear someone else's shirt but not their skin.)

    • I’ve been in talks with them and I believe you are right. They are not being negative they are in need of people to step up. That whole sub has been a one person crew for years. One person. Years. On that topic.

      I would do more but I’m already working full capacity taking the lead on a similar initiative and am new to Lemmy so not familiar with admins or different instance cultures. HiddenStill had really good advice to help me on what I’ve been working on and quite supportive to the extent they can be.

      I think we need people to really consider which instances are best to help out with this and how to work to make them hospitable. We also need people preparing for the influx of hate that this mod has been dealing with via Reddit tools and brute force.

      As a long time user of the sub I can’t express to you how much this person has done for our community and how thankless it’s been. They’ve changed the lives of so many of us and it’s beyond reasonable they are burnt out.

      • You might be new here but you're already doing some amazing work - because you're a member of that community, talking with them about this, plus leading a similar initiative.

        I think that the problem can be split into the following parts:

        1. Choosing where to host the community.
        2. Creating the community, setting up rules, banner, icon... mostly busy work. (I can help with some of those tasks if you want!)
        3. Recruiting mods.
        4. Setting up the initial content of the community. Just so people have something to read; articles are a great first step IMO.
        5. Advertising the community.
        6. Setting up a wiki, and copying the content from the Reddit wiki.

        I think that a lot of those get simplified if the community is set up in Blåhaj, so perhaps it's worth waiting until Ada is back from vacations. (Plus the instance is in Australia, so you'll get less problems than in USA instances.)

        Either way odds are that the community owners will need to self-host the wiki.

        As a long time user of the sub I can’t express to you how much this person has done for our community and how thankless it’s been. They’ve changed the lives of so many of us and it’s beyond reasonable they are burnt out.

        Tell them. Seriously.

        Being an e-janny is awful; I've been one since old style forums were a thing. You get screeched at, you get to see some disgusting stuff, and people kind of take you for granted, even if without you the community becomes less fun for everyone.

        Odds are that this won't make them feel less burned out, but it's always heart-warming to know "I did something that had a positive impact on the others' lives".

    • I'm cis too, but if it will help, I'll be glad to do some of the copy/paste/format work. I'm slow as molasses, but it'll get done.

      Glad to help set stuff up, like text w/markdown for stickied posts, etc too. I'll read and link in articles, whatever.

      That sub is way too important to let reddit screw it up and not have at least a partial backup going.