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"Core of American Freedom Propaganda" - Soviet Poster, 1973

"In America, there is freedom

For those who strangle the people.

But the working people there

Are “free” from freedom."

  • The Soviets would have known: it takes one to know one.

    Having said that, the message was correct, even though the messenger wasn't exactly in a position of higher moral authority.

    • The Soviet union was absolutely in a position of higher moral authority having been the champion of actual tangible human rights. Learn some history so as not make a clown of yourself in public. The Soviet Union was a leader in human rights, particularly in advancing women's liberation and supporting decolonial movements. The USSR set significant precedents for progressive social policies.

      Here are just a few examples. The USSR implemented a system of free education accessible to all citizens, regardless of gender or class. Women were encouraged to participate in politics and professional fields, challenging traditional gender roles. USSR was first to enact policies ensuring equal pay for equal work, provided maternity leave and free childcare, and promoted gender equality and support working families. A comprehensive healthcare system was established, providing free or low-cost medical services to all citizens. The USSR undertook large-scale housing projects to address the post-WWII housing shortage, providing affordable and state-provided housing options for millions of citizens. Pensions, disability benefits, and other social safety nets were introduced to support elderly individuals, those unable to work, and families in need. The government supported cultural activities and arts, ensuring that all citizens had access to cultural events and education, promoting inclusivity and enriching social life. The Soviets actively supported anti-colonial movements and advocated for decolonization, providing assistance to newly independent nations and participating in international human rights efforts.