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  • I can type really loud and pretty fast. At least, faster than anyone I know. And it's so loud that it ruins any song that's playing. Big keyboard with clicky switches and foam lining on the PCB to make it extra deep. It sounds like a foam dart mini gun and it makes me feel about eight feet tall. Totally frivolous and obnoxious, but I love it.

    (Home office, I'm not a total psycho)

  • I can beat the original Pikmin game in 7 in-game days, which is very close to the limit to how fast the game can be beaten which is 6 days!

  • Tuvan throat singing. Nobody knows I can do it. I perfected it during a 3hr commute to work each day for a decade.

  • I can use right-handed scissors with my left hand, and I can knit in both directions without switching hands. I guess being ambidextrous isn’t totally useless (if I ever break my right hand, I’ll still be able to do most things), but it’s not really useful most of the time.

  • I play the drums, but not in a band or anything. It's pretty useless, but I'm glad I got good enough I could just play along with random songs and have fun at home. I didn't stick with any other instrument I've tried to learn, so I'm pretty proud of myself to still be at it after twenty years.

  • I'm really good at palming coins and doing variations of disappearing coin tricks. Suck at any other form of slight-of-hand but I can make a coin-sized object look like it vanished with remarkable ease and smoothness.