gay enby rule
gay enby rule
gay enby rule
I support all these sorts of things but don't understand them well. Can someone be a kind soul and explain what an enby is and what it has to do with being gay?
Enby is an alternate spelling of nb. nb in this case is short for non-binary but enby is used to differentiate from nb as in not black as far as I know.
Non binary is an umbrella term for those that don't identify as only male or female (the binary genders). It's important to note that non-binary is not just a single third gender and that enbies can be partially male and/or female (sometimes changing over time).
I am non-binary.
Since being gay means being (sexually?) attracted to people of the same gender and enbies come in lots of different genders (or sometimes without them) it makes it hard to say whether or not they are gay when attracted to others. I personally think it can be partially gay but doesn't have to be, though being attracted to the opposite gender is pretty much impossible for us to define.
Sorry if this is a bit too long but I hope it helped :)
That is incredibly helpful, thank you! So if you're partially both traditional genders, then anyone who identifies in any way to either gender is your same gender. Am I getting that right?
I'd also like to check if my understanding of non-binary is accurate, if you can spare the time.
To my understanding, gender is an association of qualities and behaviors to a sex, but it is not necessarily related to sex. For example, biological males (yes, fluidity in biology, but let's simplify for now) having the tendency to be physically larger and have more muscle mass has nothing to do with gender. However, a focus and expectation of physical strength and valuing of physical strength would be part of the male gender. Am I getting that distinction correct?
And then someone who is non-binary may have a focus on physical strength but also have a focus on their own personal beauty in an effeminate manner, and they would be uncomfortable being labeled as male or female solely. Is this accurate? This is where I'm least confident.
I'm trying to understand this stuff, but I was born just a tiny bit early to be properly socialized to these things
Also, I'm aware the strength example is probably terrible. I welcome substitutions and corrections anywhere to help me understand things better
As I understand it, enbies can only be gay
no im ace
woah did they turn into a minecraft magma cube (round version)