Enough Commie Spam allowed the Denial of Service Attacks
Enough Commie Spam allowed the Denial of Service Attacks
Enough Commie Spam allowed the Denial of Service Attacks
I don't think even Chapo was living this rent free in reddit libs' minds.
Sorry but what is Chapo? I have been hearing it all day
What amazes me is scum like this will never see a lick of jail time under the same CFAA that Aaron Swartz was unjustly locked up and murdered under. Disgusts me to the core, too.
Under communism touching grass will be a mandatory practise.
Reactionaries and liberals will be forced to eat grass while they serving time on the gulags and popular farms.
the rules for making an account should be stricter
He's not doing a very good job, its not been down for me at all.
What a sad little person.