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Would you ever let a girl film you?

Are guys into being filmed in bed? Would you ever suggest it to a girl? Would you do it if the girl asked to be tied up? Just looking for the general vibe

  • Man, I don't let people take pictures of me. Not even nudes, none. I haven't allowed anyone except my wife and the DMV to take any pics of even my face in fifteen years, and the exception was our wedding.

    I'm weird, I know. Tough shit lol.

    Now, I have used a camera in "bed", but not recording. More like a mirror kind of thing, at an ex's request. But that's not the same as filming, imo.

    As far as tying someone up, I'm actually pretty vanilla in my preferences. I don't have any real kinks. But I'm kink friendly. I'll play along with most things to some degree, and that includes bondage. I actually really dig bondage photography, though not on a sexual level. I just enjoy the way it ends up framing the human form in a way you can't get without it. It's visually compelling.

    I dated this one lady, back around 2002 ish that liked being tied up, and liked being filmed or photographed. So, sometimes we'd do that, just with the understanding that I don't do pictures of myself.

  • I'm maybe not the perfect person to answer this but still!

    Filmed in bed: absolutely. Suggest it to a girl: have done and would do again! Tied up: I might ask for ME to be tied up instead but I'm thrilled either way :3 General vibe: talk about it beforehand and make sure you know whether either/both parties actually want to post it anywhere/send it to anyone, or if it's just something you're doing for fun.