MAGA struggles with FEMA
MAGA struggles with FEMA
MAGA struggles with FEMA
Man, 4 years of blaming Democrats for the shit republicans are doing is going to be great. Especially when you get told that both sides are the same any time a mouth breather responds, despite all available evidence, when you point out just how different they are.
It's kind of cold comfort to tell the other person "I told you so" while you're both standing in a smoldering crater.
Once the election was called I told everyone I'd been warning that for the next 4 years I'm not going to be saying "I told you so" lest my lungs give out but I want them to remember and imagine me saying it because I'm thinking it. Nothing else for me to do at this point.
IIRC this is something that’s been getting rolled out poorly for quite a while now. They want to create a central login/authentication system ( for government websites, a generally solid idea, but the transition has been a bit of a mess everywhere it goes.
thanks obama!
Is this like a famous Maga user on Reddit? Because I see no hint of trump love in this post
It sounds like they've been waiting 5 months, so blaming Trump doesn't really make sense, except for the most recent issues they are experiencing.
the post has another screenshot attached of the user somewhat defending this