Star Trek characters but we don't know their name
Star Trek characters but we don't know their name
Star Trek characters but we don't know their name
My personal favourite from social media from the past year
.....Yea that was.... an absolute Yikes of an episode.
We also would have accepted “underqualified nepobaby with anger issues,” but perhaps that’s redundant.
Very succinct. Bravo.
This is the best one yet .. I haven't laughed this much in a long time, thanks! (but honestly, I loved Louise Fletcher because I hated her so much, so beautifully dislikeable)
She did such a fantastic job making a character that I absolutely despised. It never once felt like she was acting. I hated her so much that I was concerned that if I met her in person I’d reflexively hate Louise Fletcher instead of Kai Winn just because she felt every bit as real as the actual actress.
That hat screams Pope Bitch.
Sweaty McStabby
Always loved the Star Trek doctors ... especially the first one ...
Don't know if you know but you can input the image link like this and it will appear as thumbnail ... it's basically the link generator and if you place a '!' exclamation mark in front of it, it will show the image thumbnail ...

He's not a Soldier he's an Engineer.
Sociopathic daddy issue hologram
Another favourite I came across from comments this past year
I fucking howled
Emphasis on boner
I'm just imagining all of these in an Honest Trailers video for the entire ST franchise and it is a delight
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
I need to give this show another chance
Great posts y'all, every single one if them!
And her first officer, Stockholm syndrome man.
Fuck me, this post and comments is one of the best ever over any platform!
And the community her is just so fucking glorious.
Glorious .... that was always another classic character ...