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  • My kid is seven. I let him play GTA5. He just likes to steal the cars and drive them around. I don’t let him do the missions it shoot anybody. He loves it.

  • My father didn't cared and my mother would tell me not to bully the kids in bully, but never forced me to stop playing thoses games, and most parents at that time where like that, at least in my social circle

  • GTA 3 came out when I was in 3rd grade and I remember my dad renting it from Blockbuster. My mom was not thrilled.
    I personally remember thinking, "This is like Driver, but better." I think we eventually bought it a year or two later, but my mom wouldn't let me play, so I to do it when she wasn't around.

  • my sisters boyfriend would buy them for me when i was little. it was up until SanAndreas that my mom thought it was just a weird taxi game