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  • There's are multiple leftist gun associations and they all have my full support (and the SRA has my membership).

    Unlike the MAGA lunatics, the left actually has something to protect: those who are under attack and are unable to protect themselves. The women and the LGBTQ+ people in our country NEED to be able to protect themselves because the government is obviously not interested in their safety.

    These organizations are not militias. We don't plan attacks, we don't conspire to subvert order. Our purpose is to train and protect those who need protection the most.

  • I fully support anyone and everyone being armed. It’s a shame we can’t have them here in the Netherlands, but I’m very pro-self defense and self reliance. The government will only protect you so far, if that. And an armed group is much less likely to get fucked with.

    I support gays with AK’s, queers with auto sears, transfems with FN’s and everyone else who feels the need to protect themselves and each other.

  • And a Defend Equality sticker on the stock! Super based. This person has an open invitation to all my backyard cookouts next summer.