If Trump can rename the Gulf, why can't we rename ourselves?
If Trump can rename the Gulf, why can't we rename ourselves?

Discover the power of names and the journey of self-discovery through the eyes of your Lovable Trans Auntie.

If Trump can rename the Gulf, why can't we rename ourselves?
Discover the power of names and the journey of self-discovery through the eyes of your Lovable Trans Auntie.
Both modern sociological understandings of identity and fascism are, in a sense, products of postmodern thought, particularly in their rejection of universal, objective truths. However, they diverge in how they handle that relativism. Modern sociological identity theory takes this to mean that all identities, cultures, and knowledges are socially constructed, multiple, and equally valid. Fascism, paradoxically, embraces the idea that truth is relative but asserts that only its own constructed truth should reign supreme.
Fascism today often borrows from postmodernist critiques of truth but applies them selectively. It argues that liberalism, democracy, and science are just "narratives" while insisting that its own nationalist or reactionary narrative is the only legitimate one. This is why contemporary fascist movements often weaponize postmodern skepticism—undermining truth while claiming a monopoly on it.
Now THAT is some interesting stuff. Have never thought to apply postmodernism to fascism. Insightful.
Sounds like a religious cult when you put it that way.