Fuck, they are following the Fallout lore.
Fuck, they are following the Fallout lore.
Fuck, they are following the Fallout lore.
Lmao it's a real tweet, what a fucking loser.
It's so funny that the US thinks it can win wars
Nate the rake at it again! (Bethesda will never live that down)
They literally did a JK Rowling and said that Nate was the guy who laughed at war crimes and then waved lol
I don't watch Tim's stuff, but I'm guessing he's the kind of guy who also thinks West is best because freedom and democracy?
If so, the irony's hilarious.
It's even funnier because he's said in the past that he "posts things he doesn't believe to throw journalists off" which is just peak :smuglord: "it's just a joke bro"
That screams "dude who thinks saying allegedly every other sentence is an impenetrable shield from getting hit with a defamation case."
"Uh, excuse me, you're, uh... "Honor"? Yeah. Hey. So, I actually posted years ago that nothing I post is real. Well, some is. But I don't tell people what is real. Thank you, I win, I am free to go now."
Something like that running in his mind
He initially got notoriety by talking nonstop about how radical Islamists were gonna make Sweden into a caliphate. He would make claims like there are neighborhoods in Sweden that don't permit white people and that there were frequent bombings. He has a video of himself and a crew walking around Sweden and claiming to be in danger the whole time because Syrian immigrants were also there.
He's just a racist idiot chasing after attention
A significant amount of the syrian/iraqi Minorites are Christian in the first place. So he was always speaking nonsense.
Yeah he started as an Occupy guy back in the day, then pivoted to immigrant panic like axont said. Hit the nail on the head with incoherent western chauvinism.
I hope in the next tariff negotiation, Canada can get Trump to extradite Tim Pool
sent from my gamer chair
I like the extra space between "and" and "deliver"
Which indicates, based on my own experience, he put another word there first and then edited the word out choosing to go with deliver.
I really wonder what the original was. Or maybe he has really fat thumbs and smashed the space key. Maybe he did it to troll specifically me.
Tim Poo probably got ChatGPT to write it for him and edited the output
Isn't Tim pool like the Jim Cramer of politics?
A bald angry moron?
Yes but I was referring to the inverse Cramer index: if he tells you somethings a good investment you sell anything you have in it.
A bald angry moron?
Describes him to a T
good thing he is against war and conquest
Amerikans still believe that "giving people who don't care much about us rn a ton of good reasons to hate us" means "their will to resist will erode". OFC Pim Tool devotes his entire energy to being accepted by fascists who mock and bully him, so it's not surprising he specifically would think that, but this shit is basically the entire US-Iraq policy during the 90s and 00s and look how that turned out.
You know how you get people to welcome you as liberators? You loudly and intentionally destroy their economy
No one thought America would do Operation Anchorage to themselves
I'm convinced Tim Pool's entire career has been propelled off making garbage takes that get recirculated through public outrage. Never has such a worm tricked so many people into considering his utterly intellectually vacant perspective.
(Apologies to all the worm lovers out there. Worms are pretty cool.)
Never has such a worm tricked so many people into considering his utterly intellectually vacant perspective.
Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson. I think there are just a lot of dumb right-wing guys out there.
Tim Tool at it again