Fucking hell
Fucking hell
Fucking hell
This will secure an alliance with Spain.
This isn't the 18th century.
Will she be told “lie back and think of Spain” too?
That family tree is just a stick.
Trump certainly sounded like he wanted it to be that way with Ivanka
Yeah, but do sticks have loops?
Why, is she an insufferable twat?
I don't think so? She's been enrolled into a military school and is taking the same teachings his father took. We really aren't exposing her to public life up until she's old. There is definitely the possibility that title got stuck up her ass and hopefully that military school gives her context and insight.
Joffrey and Sansa part II
I've read only weird things about Barron. All rumors, but all weird. Like the "I killed the dog because I wanted to see what sound he'll make" weird.
My niece rolls with some of the NYC rich kids (Madonna's daughter owes her $20 kinda shit). She is the small town girl who made it big in the city type. The NYC rich kids have weird stories... who knows. You are known by everyone, its gotta be a bizarre life.
From reliable sources?
Not really. Just Facebook memes and it was often from a person who heard from someone who worked with him.
Which made it dubious but how often I saw it is sus.
In 50-100 years’ time, we may see the US transition to a European-style constitutional monarchy, with King Donald III being stripped of executive powers and reduced to a figurehead, riding a symbolic gold elevator down to open Congress every year.
Nah, we're more a rome style society. In a hundred years after the longstanding madness of the Trumpian dynasty we'll enter our era of "whomsoever pulls the dagger from the king is the divinely ordained king"
The U.S. just has to catch up anyway since they are a baby country.
And eating glamberders
You try getting away from monarchy but it just pulls you back in.
Spain still has a monarchy?
It was re-established after Franco.
Just for the sake of clarity: Franco re-established it and Leonor's gramps had Franco's blessing.
Parliamentary democracy with a monarch as non-executive head of state. So being monarch is a mostly ceremonial role, with the seldom used power to temporarily veto or morally object against bad ideas. Juan Carlos saved the Spanish democracy in 1982 for example.
What kind of chud thinks this crap up?
Barron Trump gonna have to fight Gavi for her.
Now kith
Lmao no fucking way