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How Does the NCR Manufacture Their Armor?

I've been wondering this for a while, but how does the NCR manufacture their armor, and what materials are used in it's construction? The NCR's economy seems largely backed by expansion and the brahmin industry, with a decent manufacturing industry as represented by the Gun Runners, likely using salvage rather than extraction for resources like steel. So that makes me wonder the question then, since the NCR's trooper (and patrol ranger) armors are clearly produced by the Republic, what textiles do they use to produce these? Additionally, are the armoring over the fatigues steel woven into a carrier, or maybe some kind of layered leather? What do you think?

  • It has a DT of 10, literally no better than leather armor, so clearly whatever metal the breastplate is using is trash quality

    • It also only covers about 25% of the torso, so it could simply be that it's not very complete coverage despite it's construction.

  • Y'all are forgetting about all the developed post-post apocalypse stuff from Fallout 1 and (moreso) 2. The capital of NCR territory, Shady Sands, is a legitimate (not-bethesda modern fallout style) city with farms, factories, schools, hospitals, scientists researching and developing shit, local government, etc. Estimated population of 35,000 around the time of NV.

    None of the 3D games have come remotely close to showing that type of post-post apoc civilization.

    The area covered in New Vegas is effectively the frontier of their civilization. The unification monument is in honor of the over extended NCR rangers, too far from home and their government's resources, signing a peace treaty and making a strategic alliance with the existing Arizona Rangers. This extended NCR territory into Nevada as the additional AR troops were able to give them enough local manpower and supplies to just be able to barely hold the line against Caesar's legion at the first battle of the dam.

    So the NCR territory shown in game is absolutely an American Western Frontier analogue complete with cattle brahmin barons, and natives Great Khans, but it's entirely possible for them to have brand new equipment being manufactured from new material "back home" so to speak. It would just be a logistics issue of getting all the way out to the front lines of the game.