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  • Don't forget the ridiculous amount of beeping and other sounds when characters fly over the screen at twice the speed of light!

  • The only hacking that ever felt plausible to me was in Mr. Robot.

    • I still need to watch that.

      • It is a literal masterpiece, and not because of the hacking. I highly recommend watching it again after you finish for a totally new experience.

  • Funnily enough I have to hide terminal windows when updating while I'm around any of my less tech savy friends who think it's scary or creepy. I really dislike them portraying this as "hacking".

  • Ncis episode Tim traced ThE mOsT dAnGeRoUs HaCkEr iN tHe WoRlD to an internal 192.168.something. I do not remember how it was resolved because I was laughing too hard.
    (the whole two person keyboard thi g early in the series was an intentional gag, so it doesn't count)