What're some apps you can't go without on F-droid?
What're some apps you can't go without on F-droid?
been looking for more useful apps so figured I'd ask.
What're some apps you can't go without on F-droid?
been looking for more useful apps so figured I'd ask.
Organic maps
Always good
Sorted them into a few categories
Notes and Documents
Other Tools
I've got hundreds more installed, but those are some of my favorites.
Sherpa TTS is a great companion to Librera to turn any eBook into an audiobook.
I use Fossify notes
Oh, I wasn't aware of the Paperless app! Thanks!
It was actually the app that made me try it out. Glad I did.
fossify gallery is pretty nice
Others here have already mentioned most of the ones I use.
Some that are less common are
The most useful one though is probably Syncthing. It lets you synchronise folders between your devices.
I'd like to add Broccoli as a database for cooking recipes. It is very convenient, as it extracts the relevant data out of most SEO-inflated webpages.
Pipepipe - newpipe fork with sponsorblock and Google account fallback for restricted videos
Quillpad - Google Keep replacement
KeepassDX - password manager and nice keyboard that autotypes what you want without copy pasting
Syncthing-fork - for syncing files
There is no result for "IronFox" on f-droid.org: https://search.f-droid.org/?q=IronFox
It has a repo you can add to F-Droid. I forgot I added the separate repo.
A few I've not seen mentioned yet:
what RSS feeds do you have if you don't mind me asking? I've been looking for some
Nothing exciting I'm afraid - a few football related feeds (Guardian & Telegraph are solid for football stories, usually interesting articles rather than made up transfer horseshit) plus some general news headlines/generic/"top stories" type feeds & a couple of tech bits like Ars Technica.
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