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Trump’s revenge agenda has shocked officials who ‘didn’t think it was going to be this bad’, insiders say


Donald Trump’s return to the presidency has triggered sweeping purges and retributions against officials he deems disloyal.

He revoked Secret Service protection for former national security figures, fired Department of Justice lawyers investigating him, dismissed 30 inspectors general without notice, and reassigned career officials.

Federal employees face pressure to demonstrate loyalty or face removal.

An executive order mandates reviewing agencies involved in Trump-related investigations, fueling concerns of systemic retaliation.

Insiders describe the atmosphere as “shell-shocked” and worse than expected.

  • Sane people and his voter base (because they openly support it) all knew it was going to be this bad, and the dude said early as much. The lack on intelligence in US politics just continues to boggle the mind on an almost daily basis.

  • This is the petty and sad man that ran to get revenge on Obama.

    This is the petty and sad man that had a vendetta with Rosie O'Donnell for how many years now?

    This is the petty and sad man that is STILL upset for how SPY magazine made fun of him....

    If anyone is surprised that this asshat is a vengeful asshole, I just don't even know what to say. There is evidence going back decades of just what a completely self-absorbed asshole he is, and with the very thinnest of skins.

  • I just watched another episode of the Tor's Cabinet of Curiosities on YT, that one about the sixth Dalai Lama who ignored divine instructions and enjoyed the life as it is. And many commenters and the host guessed if is that system was even prepared to a Dalai Lama who wants to drink, fuck and write poetry. Every one of them just assumed that a living avatar of a deity can't do that, and that's what he did. And that's funny in a bleak, grim fashion, that no one put full stop signs to what a president can do, assuming he'd have that stops himself, and as it shows no one can even say no to him when he breaches every tradition to name and many who could stop him just let it slide.

  • People with heads up asses shocked that assholes smell pretty bad.