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  • Unbelievably scummy. As sad as I thought it was, I was understanding of wanting to step back due to increased responsibilities, a common issue for mod projects. But no, some sweaty gamers called fucking ICE on them? And then, moreover, broadcast what the lead dev clearly wanted to remain quiet? What terrible people to put that tip in, unforgivable.

  • Joe Biden and democratic majorities left in place all agencies necessary for the Trump administration to be doing stuff like this with 10 days of inauguration.

  • Libs: "Heh, in evil East Germany, your neighbours would sell you out to the stasi


    Also libs: "So anyway, I sent the ICE Gestapo to a cool mod creator because I'm a racist piece of shit


  • Is this a bit? Is the truth?

    What kind of braindead kills a fanmade project because of the nationality of the creator????

    Even the most nazi SchoolShootingian with a single braincell would at least wait for the project to be completed before reporting.

    • I saw this on the TwoBestFriendsPlay reddit earlier and they were saying this was unconfirmed, could just be a dude fabricating screenshots