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  • The best moment in my life (please do not take this as advice because it is strongly not) involved recreational drugs and the reason it was the best was because I experienced a shift in perspective that had long-lived impacts on the rest of my life.

    I will not be taking questions or responding to guesses. I won't say "don't do drugs" because I'm not a hypocrite, but I will say, be smart, be careful, be wise, look to your elders.

    The second-best was when I played minigolf with my boyfriend on a 3 day weekend. I smile every time I think about it.

  • The worst moments of my life seem to have been catalysts for the best ones. So, I guess the bad ones.

    • I second that. A simple attempted lunge out of misery does wonders. Shit can go down like an avalanche. But that works in both directions.

      …with a lot of luck.

  • I don't know? They both pretty much shaped and changed my life from the moments they happened onwards...