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Crowdsourcing Rundown: 29 January

The Pathfinder-specific space is still pretty sleepy this January, but we've started to see some action on the system-neutral side of things. Some books of GM resources and roll tables are coming up on their close date in the next week.

The 5e space is absolutely buzzing right now, though. I'm glad to have a bit of a break in terms of what I'm interested in buying, but it would be super cool if some of that energy came Paizo's way in the coming months.


Pip and Pawn - For D&D, Pathfinder, and Savage Worlds

  • A short ebook about in-fiction games in table top RPGs. Includes history, magic, monsters, and more!Product Type: GM Resource, Lore & Worldbuilding, Rules ExtensionSystems: D&D 5e, Pathfinder 2e, Savage WorldsStart Date: Tuesday, 28 January, 2025End Date: Wednesday, 19 February, 2025Funded: true

Ending Soon

50+ Random Tables

  • What does that goblin have it its pockets? What's the name of that NPC? What's the MacGuffin for the next quest? Look no further!Product Type: GM ReferenceSystems: System NeutralStart Date: Monday, 2 December, 2024End Date: Friday, 31 January, 2025Funded: true

Blights, Catastrophes & Scourges on the Realm

  • A collection of global catastrophic events impacting society that can be incorporated into fantasy RPGs. Claims D&D 5e compatibility, but appears to be system neutral in practice.Product Type: GM ReferenceSystems: D&D 5e, System NeutralStart Date: Wednesday, 1 January, 2025End Date: Friday, 31 January, 2025Funded: true

100 Amazing Events

  • A supplement packed w/ 100+ unique moments, twists, and challenges to bring your World to Life! Claims to be for 5e, but appears to actually be system neutralProduct Type: GM ReferenceSystems: D&D 5e, System NeutralStart Date: Thursday, 2 January, 2025End Date: Saturday, 1 February, 2025Funded: true

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