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Docker + Nextcloud = why is it so difficult?

TLDR: I consistently fail to set up Nextcloud on Docker. Halp pls?

Hi all - please help out a fellow self-hoster, if you have experience with Nextcloud. I have tried several approaches but I fail at various steps. Rather than describe my woes, I hope that I could get a "known good" configuration from the community?

What I have:

  • a homelab server and a NAS, wired to a dedicated switch using priority ports.
  • the server is running Linux, Docker, and NPM proxy which takes care of domains and SSL certs.

What I want:

  • a docker-compose.yml that sets up Nextcloud without SSL. Just that.
  • ideally but optionally, the compose file might include Nextcloud office-components and other neat additions that you have found useful.

Your comments, ideas, and other input will be much appreciated!!

  • Nextcloud is very easy to setup as a container. You just need a MySQL/MariaDB server and a volume mount. Just make sure the volume is owned by www-data user (uid:gid 33:33). That's it. Most problems I've seen so far are related to files permissions, so double check to make sure the volume is owned by www-data.

  • Here's my docker-compose.yml for nextcloud (with minor privacy changes) that includes onlyoffice and drawio containers. SSL is not included and should be handled by NPM and you'll need a proxy host for both drawio and onlyoffice. I use NPM in docker so I just add it to the docs network instead of exposing any additional ports. For onlyoffice the secret key gets regenerated each time the container starts so you'll need to update onlyoffice setting in nextcloud each time (unless someone has a better solution). You can get the secret key by logging into the onlyoffice container and running

    cat /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver-example/local.json

    I've been running this solution for a few years without any major issues.


    version: '3.5'
      name: docs 
      driver: bridge
      image: linuxserver/nextcloud
      container_name: nextcloud
       - PUID=1000
       - PGID=1000
       - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
       - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud
       - MYSQL_PASSWORD=P@ssWord321!
       - MYSQL_HOST=nextcloud_db
       - TZ="America/Chicago"
       - /home/user/docker/configs/nextcloud:/config
       - /home/user/docker/configs/nextcloud_data:/data
      restart: unless-stopped
       - nextcloud_db
       - docs 
      image: linuxserver/mariadb:110.4.21mariabionic-ls31
      container_name: nextcloud_db
      restart: always
       - PUID=1000
       - PGID=1000
       - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=P@ssWord123!
       - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
       - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud
       - MYSQL_PASSWORD=P@ssWord321!
       - /home/user/docker/configs/nextcloud_db/mysql:/config
      restart: unless-stopped
       - docs 
      image: onlyoffice/documentserver
      container_name: onlyoffice
      restart: always
       - nextcloud
       - docs 
      image: jgraph/export-server
      container_name: nextcloud-drawio-export
       - docs 
       - ./fonts:/usr/share/fonts/drawio
      restart: unless-stopped
      image: jgraph/drawio
      container_name: nextcloud-drawio
       - docs 
       - image-export
       - VIRTUAL_PORT=8080
       - EXPORT_URL=http://image-export:8000/
      restart: unless-stopped
  • I'm not sure if your goal is to set up nextcloud or to learn docker compose while setting up nextcloud. If you just want it up and running, you could use DockSTARTer to get it going. Heck, even if your goal is mainly learning, you can always tear apart the compose file that dockstarter generates and compare it to your own.

  • I remember cursing allot with trying nextcloud to work :D and than my serber crashed. I'm currently reinstalling everything but haven't had the courage to get going on nextcloud.

  • A bit of a sidenote and definitely an unpopular opinion coming up... The nextcloud snap is perhaps the easiest and among the most stable ways to run NC. And I base this on my own experience, having installed and tested NC on numerous devices in several ways. You loose some tinkerability and the performance is nothing to write home about. And yes I know - snap no good - Canonical evil. That having been said, If stability and easy setup is what you want, it's worth considering.

  • I’ve been fighting nextckoud over the last few days. I got it up and running, yay. But the. I could not get Nextcloud office or Onlyoffice to work at all.

    I used the AIO docker install and followed all the instructions for setup behind cloudflare tunnels but I’m guessing it’s something to do with that, but I just don’t have the time or patience to spend hours trying to troubleshoot why I can install onlyoffice but it won’t allow me to create documents.

    I may revisit in the future but the frustration levels are just too high atm.