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How did you get kicked from social media?

I got a ban from a group because there was a lot of horse posting. I basically commented that "hey there's a lot of evidence that horse riding causes permanent injuries", and "who here can actually afford this posh hobby". The admins were rich as fuck. Somehow rich people tend to have more time to do this shit. Anyhow, they said that I was being personally insulting because "posh hobby".

I was also kicked from a

sub for reporting obvious Islamophobia. Fuck that place.

I got a two week ban from Facebook for anti-white racism. And I'm officially the whitest person on Hexbear.

Maybe I'm a lib or too damn civil, but I haven't yet been kicked from a site yet

  • I've been temp banned from various forums over the years, mostly for "inappropriate language."

    Like it's okay to spout off racist conspiracy theories about immigrants in Europe. But when I say "Jesus fuck me in the titty fucking shitter Christ" that was too far apparently.

  • during the George Floyd protests, once a day I would link to some new clip of cops brutalizing unarmed/vulnerable people. there were so many to choose from and I figured 1 new one each day would have a higher impact than flooding the feed.

    after a few weeks, FB administratively "check pointed" my account. my account was a goofy fake name and none of my shit was real. they wanted me to submit my real name and a picture of my driver license and address.

    I responded that they could fuck themselves in the mouth with a dog turd, and that was the end of that.

    my first/only :stormfront: ban was for cooler reasons, but even articulating a few broad strokes would open me up to retaliation of some kind, I'm sure. I am more careful these days, so just imagine something cool that would make you smile and that's what it was.

  • I got a temp ban on FB years ago for posting a crude drawing of a man with his head up his butt as a retort to an argument against my chud brother.

    I got a temp ban on Twitter around that same time because some famous talking face called Greta Thurnberg a Nazi because she had her hair braided. I mentioned something about how real fascists actually just dehumanize and demonize their "enemy" like this person was doing. Basically I got the ban for calling a person a Fascist who was calling an eco-socialist a fascist.

    I got banned briefly from /r/latestagecapitalism for saying DSA was a leftist org in a comment thread about what leftist parties there are in the States. I was simply listing a bunch I know across the spectrum of leftist schools of thought. The mod said I was banned because "we are a Marxist-Leninist subreddit and DSA is full of libs" or some shit, and like, I agree but a lot, and I mean A LOT of users on that sub are reformists and so is the DSA.

    Bonus: I got doxxed on a local Linux forum a long time ago because I said I was pretty evangelical about "the good word" of Linux. Idk what the mod there thought I said but next morning was a wall of text about everything he could find about me online and basically just tearing into me. I banned myself right after that and will not associate with any Linux users in any real capacity in my area ever again. I will make small talk about distros but that's about it.

  • My first reddit ban was for reporting racist content (sorry, "abusing the report function"), and my second, more permanent one for asking if Israel meant they were going to kill millions of civilians and then leave without solving anything when they said they were going to "do to Hamas what the US did to ISIS". Apparently criticising the US is antisemitic.

  • I got banned from r/piracy for saying it was impossible to be racist against white people.

    Banned from r/196 for expressing doubt over Uyghur's being organ harvested.

    Got 2 or 3 temp bans from Reddit for saying that when the revolution comes anyone with a K-On pfp gets the wall.

    But I'm 99% that was because there was a

    cultist stalking my account because I would comment in any thread involving him that he had threatened to SA a woman who he once told looked like a loli.

  • I got banned from a Discord server for just posting "Z" under a "SUPPORT UKRAINE" post by a mod of some fan animation project of a franchise I will not name. This was like in March 2022 I think.

  • Never gotten a single ban because Hexbear is the only place I even bother with when it comes to interacting with other people. Otherwise if I were to use other social media sites, I think I would cach one REALLY quickly as I don’t tend to hold back when calling shitheads out.

  • Perma from

    for calling liberals "disgusting Nazis" when they justified voting for Harris to people who were saying they couldn't due to the genocide.

    Prior to that I got a permanent sub ban from /r/menslib on a thread of "As a dad, these videos of grieving fathers who lost their children are breaking me, I don't know what to do," for the same thing a few months into the genocide.

    Banned from Worldnews back in 2019 for explaining to someone who called the rioters in HK "non-violent" that they were tacitly supporting burning old men nearly to death. I probably used harsher language than that, but I don't remember the details.

  • Wished death upon a zionist

    Wished death upon an anti-china guy

    Reported a post for russophobia

    Ban evaded to engage in youtuber drama

    All on reddit

  • Pretty predictable bans in certain groups in reddit for calling US troops monsters. Beat around the bush in a way saying Zionists should kill themselves and got a temporary mute for that. Not surprising. You can incite violence and throw around slurs, just not fascists. Got a couple permabans in r/gamingcirclejerk due to some honest misunderstandings. Eventually lost interest in trying to fight the bans.

    • Beat around the bush in a way saying Zionists should kill themselves

      That's what got my OG twitter account with several thousand followers banned

  • I'm not on social media except on here and YouTube but I got kicked from a group chat a while back for @ing a dude that had made some pro-genocide comments with the video of the Palestine Action ladies destroying a clean room. I captioned it something like "hope this happens at your workplace you ghoul"

    No regrets, I'd do it again 100 times.

  • I got kicked from facebook because many of the 1800+ pages I was running memes with a touch of communism on them were for products from an online store site I had previously run and facebook let companies DMCA me for them. 3 strikes and I was out.

  • I mostly kicked myself off.

    I kinda left FB circa 2016 cuz my page had just become punk scene drama and I really wasn't going to shows anymore. I have an Insta but I've never posted anything too it and use an fake name cuz I'm photo shy, I just use it to follow OnlyFans models (I've mostly quit hardcore porn but sometimes I need a pic of a suicide girl in lingerie to get the juices flowing okay, call the

    on me if you want).


      نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.

  • Leaked a bunch of IP addresses belonging to the IDF, German government and pro-piSSraeli South Africans, made multiple declarations of jihad and subsequently DDOSed them (and also posted evidence of servers getting vaporized along with crudely made memes).


    Sent the former Estonian prime minister a crudely photoshopped image of her NAFO avatar getting the front-row PIGPOOPBALLS experience and spammed that "Indonesia vs Estonia" meme.

    Frequently sent death threats to NAFO, IDF fanatics and general pro-piSSraeli Boers.

    Repeated use of the term "KKKracker".

    Over 20 instances of ban evasion.

    Spamming red triangles.

    Death to ameriKKKa