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If the internet went away indefinitely, what things would you wish you had downloaded before it happened?

For me it would be a full copy of wikipedia, an offline copy of some maps of where I live, some linux ISO's, and a lot of entertainment media.

  • Man I have never thought about it because of feeling so at ease with the digital video game stores and just downloading what I want whenever I want without keeping a physical library that would take up space. Same with books.

    If the internet died tomorrow, I would have the stuff I'm playing or reading or watching downloaded but I would be out of luck for anything else until it came back. Maybe it's time to start a backup, get a big HDD or something

  • I guess a lot of music and movies from a pirate site. I'd spend more time at the library listening to my music.

  • All of kurzgesagt, minute physics, vsauce, Steve mould, matt parker, and veritasium. I think they're invaluable education resources and it would be useful to be able to distribute them, or just have them for my own sake.

    • Honestly, while fun, those videos don't provide too much value per GB - and I say that as someone who's watched almost all of them. Their main actual benefit besides entertainment is (IMHO) getting people interested in the relevant field so they study more thoroughly. They often explain simple yet dazzling concepts which get you hooked but don't provide much value on their own, and don't directly enable you to solve real-life problems. Even more involved videos like those by 3blue1brown are still edutainment at their core, as acknowledged by the author. In an apocalypse (which, let's face it, is the most likely reason the internet would indefinitely go down in a developed country) you would be much better off with engineering (mechanical, electrical, etc) literature and textbooks, maybe a couple science textbooks for good measure (I have a drawer full of the Feynman lectures in case something like this happens).

      • I don't disagree with the sentiment but I think having accessible, entertaining education resources would also be a huge boon. They're sure not going into depth on the topics but I imagine getting people "on the hook" could be huge, and then they can find other more educational resources from others in the community.

  • Already got all my favourite games downloaded or on DVD. All my Youtube favourites and the full catalogues of some old channels would be great. No JonGrumps and no 00's meme videos make me something something.