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  • People in industry who propagate these types of lies, who give credence to them shouldn't be able to show their faces in public. Like they should get bullied and cajoled out of any convention they try and step foot in. Just absurd because devices like these can be easily monitored. You can mirror their WAN traffic and just sit there and look for evil Chinese spying and not find it because it isn't there. I hate IT/infosec fascists. I miss the halcyon days when there was at least a more prominent anarchist hacker vibe and talk like this was held up to scorn because it was seen as coming from the same place as the demand for clipper chips.

    What TPlink should do is opensource their firmware. It's a good thing to do. Though it wouldn't save them it might buy a little time, Kaspersky opened transparency centers where governments could send someone into a secured room to see their source code and ask questions and they still got banned because muh Russia bad.

    • The people who created this rumor, in other words, employed it as a way of convincing prospective buyers to purchase their detergent instead of Tide because Tide worships the Devil. That seems hamfisted and over-the-top doesn’t it? A vaguer, less extreme rumor might have seemed likelier to work better — something subtler than the ultimate trump card of claiming that P&G was literally in league with Satan.

      But the rumor was effective. Spectacularly effective. It went viral years before most of us had ever thought to use that term that way. And it lives on, still surfacing and resurfacing after decades spent trying to kill it through truth-telling dossiers and aggressive litigation.

      False Witnesses