Tabs_irl (Art by LazyLynxBoy)
Tabs_irl (Art by LazyLynxBoy)
Source (Bluesky)
Tabs_irl (Art by LazyLynxBoy)
Source (Bluesky)
I'm a good boy and always close my tabs! ^^
Sometimes I see some coworkers having hundreds of tabs open, and I just don't understand why or how. Any tab hoarders here who can explain?
"I might need it later".
Bookmarks are heresy.
There's a block of Lemmy posts, because it's not like I can expand the nested comments from the front page. I'll close most of them when I'm done reading. The ones that remain are e.g. videos I mean to watch later, or music to look up.
There's a block of technical questions, mostly MDN and DuckDuckGo icons. They wax and wane. Also some wacky may-never-happen stuff about raymarching tutorials and novel programming languages. They honestly just calcify.
There's a block of niche wiki bullshit because I do hobby coding for archaic platforms. Still haven't got a DOS emulator work on my Itchio page.
There's a block of other people's Itchio games I've been meaning to play, and downloads for tiny retro handhelds, and obsessive control-freak alternate operating systems for tiny retro handhelds.
There's a block of archives I'm plowing through - webcomics, blogs, old-school let's-plays, demoscene prods, completely legitimate foreign comic repositories.
And then there's the other window.
I have all this shit open because I'm not done with it yet. And they only impose upon my scroll-wheel finger and my soul. Tabs don't load until focused on, and none of them will ever suck up as much RAM as that one Youtube video you left open for later. At the first hint of lag, every couple days, I just close Firefox and restart it a minute later.
'Why not use bookmarks?' Because they're nested in menus like it's 1993, and once I'm done with them, they're still there. Tabs are right here, at a glance, all the time, and go away with one middle-click. Or a bunch of ctrl+w spam, if I just resolved some aggravating Javascript bullshit.
I am still using bookmarks. I am still downloading things, to have them for later. I use all these tools y'all think would substitute what I do with a web browser. I used to use Pocket since before it was Pocket but they fucking ruined it and anyway it only let me do even more.
I see some coworkers having hundreds of tabs open
And then they come to you complaining about how slow their computer is. I cannot magically make the 11 year old workstation that they insist on abusing with 200+ chrome tabs magically go as fast as their neighbor's who is using it as a glorified email machine.
Yep, has happened in the past. But nowadays browsers are pretty good at minimizing the cpu usage of background tabs. Also, most of our developers' workstations are configured with 64 GB ram, which, come to think of it, might be enabling the addiction in the first place...
This is why you backup your Firefox profile, kids.
If he's been a real bad boy, they might remove the backups too :3
I feel claustrophobic when I have more than 5 tabs.
I'm curious whether people who have tons of tabs open ever turn off their computer? I always turn mine off in the evening or whenever else I think I'm done for the day because I never know when I'll turn it on again, and leaving it running for 14+ hours just doesn't feel right.
Session restore?
Suspending doesn't work on my computer (there's an easy fix but I can't be bothered), so I never considered it, but session restore is a good point. I just put all the tabs in my bookmarks, which I then never open again (ever).
(~600 tabs) I don't turn it off, but I do put it to sleep. The growth is usually looking into something, or finding something interesting I want to come back to. Each time that happens it probably adds ~20 tabs. I'm almost always on my computer, or a computer sitting just next to it.