At least it doesn't cause tinnitus. Looking at you, Nirnroot.
At least it doesn't cause tinnitus. Looking at you, Nirnroot.
At least it doesn't cause tinnitus. Looking at you, Nirnroot.
Didn’t Oblivion have a thing where unknown effects wouldn’t actually combine or take effect unless you had high enough alchemy? So you level up, and a nice convenient boost damage potion you were making suddenly becomes a double-edged sword with poison attached.
Correct, the potions you created in Oblivion only had the effects from its ingredients that you knew at the time you created it. Said potions don’t gain those effects once you know them, but the same recipe will add new effects once you learn them, and thus you might need a different recipe to make the potion you’re trying to create.
If you consume enough the other effects become clear as you gain levels in alchemy.
You'd have to eat the raw ingredients. Drinking potions doesn't level it up AFAIK.
True, time to dupe glitch up some ginseng.
you forgot the gay effect
The white and pink monster also have a 10% chance of causing gender dysphoria
I have like 20 tabs collected on my shelf of only the pink one so uhhhh
So many people complain about Nirnroot, yet I never noticed the sound or picked a Nirnroot in my many hours of Skyrim.. how tf did I miss them lol
People complained about the sound!? I guess it could be considered annoying, but they're rare, non-respawning items! Once you pick it, you never have to listen to it in that location again...
You may have a mod that included the "shut-the-fuck-up-nirn-root" mod (cant remember name) or a sane dev lowered the base volume of that Audio effect in one of the many ports/remasters.
Or you legit never stumbled across it. You will 100% know if you stumbled across it.
I played on X360 and stumbled across them. Noticed the sound, but it was never very loud or annoying imo
It's time to see the doctor
The easiest one I know where it is, is just outside Lakeview Manor. Exit, take the path/road to the left/ East-South-East towards Pinewatch. There is a pool of water at the edge of Pinewatch's land with two mud crabs and a nirnroot. Go there and you'll hear this
thats fucking weird man. the sound is very distinct and pretty loud