Today, I reviewed my financial goals for retirement. I decided to rethink this because of a variety of factors---including me having learned quite a bit since I first outlined my goal---, but mostly because I want to make sure I'm going where I'm headed.
What I found was that I was, for one, very optimistic about potential returns, and secondly, aiming for a number that's far too high. Well, "too high" in the sense that I need only much less; of course, I wouldn't mind reaching a higher number.
I adjusted my expected returns and my goal, and that actually severely cut the years that it would take me to get there. It's nice when you review your goals and realize you made a mistake that made things harder for you.
At this pace, which may or may not be sustainable depending on a variety of factors, and may or may not increase, depending on a variety of factors, I could retire by my mid-40s. About 20 years from now. That sounds unrealistic... But hey, it's fun to try, at least. We'll see how it goes.
I wouldn't be the first to achieve this.
I had a meeting about a grant, yesterday. It went well, I think. I'm almost certainly gonna get the extension. More money. I got paid yesterday too, and it kind of shocked me. I was expecting payment, of course, but it just felt like so much money. I felt like when I got paid the first time. I don't know why... Maybe I'm learning some gratitude for the things I have? I don't know.