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v3.0.0-BETA-2.0, Paladin now Live!

Hey Folks, I've just released another beta which adds the Cleric's Paladin subclass!

With this things have lurched quite a distance toward release. I'm hoping to get the Cleric content-complete in about another two weeks.

Here's a little GIF of one of their spells: Wall of Light

(Image Description: A short GIF of the Cleric casting the wall of light spell toward three enemies. The enemies are knocked away and momentarily stunned, and a large diagonal white wall appears between them and the Cleric.)

  • FYI, still working on my Android 4 Zeki tablet 😃

    • Glad to see it! I wish I didn't have to drop support for 4.4 and below, because there's nothing stopping the core game from still using it.

      • I'll keep updating until it fails and then I'll just have to play newer versions on newer devices.

        It really a shame that programmers are forced to make unnecessary changes.