A decade after my sister’s death, intrusive and disturbing news reports began telling more than they should know.
A decade after my sister’s death, intrusive and disturbing news reports began telling more than they should know.

Trigger Warnings: >!**Brief and indirect descriptions of child murder. Brief mention of plot relevant suicide. Fake CWs are included for...

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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/PCTWH on 2025-01-23 15:24:53+00:00.
Trigger Warnings: Brief and indirect descriptions of child murder. Brief mention of plot relevant suicide. Fake CWs are included for immersion.
Last month, the first report began at around ten past six. It was a little jarring at first. They always have a quick introduction at the start of a broadcast - the upcoming items segment - but my sister wasn’t mentioned. There was just something about a school fundraiser, some break-ins, and of course, Labour policies. Nothing too out of the ordinary. We mainly just used the telly as background noise while we cleaned and cooked. Through the whirring of the vacuum cleaner, I could barely make out what was being said, but when they said her name, it was like someone ringing a church bell.
“G.A.” [I’ve decided not to post her name, but I’m keeping these initials for effect]
We paused. I remember my mum looked shaken by it. Almost betrayed that the TV would ever say her name again. I’ve only recently started to process how heavy it all must have been for her. It wasn’t easy for me, losing a sister, but I never really believed it could happen to me as well. The kidnapper felt like a boogeyman; a monster that lurked at the edge of nightmares, but to my mum, he was just a man. An evil, evil man. And now, this news broadcast was bringing all the fear back.
“She would have been celebrating her eighteenth birthday today, but her absence leaves a hole in the family. An innocent girl, taken from where she should have been at her safest: outside her school.” reported the voice-over, as b-roll of flowers left near the school played.
It cut to a talking head interview of my mum. It was archived from 2014, but it was still enough to sting her. She jumped into the TV, turning it off before she had a chance to hear her own voice. I gave her a hug when I saw how pained she looked. She told me she wished they’d just let her rest.
So do I.
We weren’t sure what to do. The station didn’t ask if they could reuse the archive footage, but the legal stuff is hard to interpret. Can they do this? Do they usually do this? Is it ethical to bring back all of this pain for a filler piece? These questions rattled around in my head that night.
It’s a little lonely here. My dad had to travel across the country to find decent work after COVID, so it’s just my mum and I. My partner had to move as well, down the country to accept a generous offer from the University of Reading. And that’s enough about my life for now. I suppose this has left us both feeling a little paranoid. See, I want to know if anyone else has seen these broadcasts, and also get this all off my chest, but talking about my life in detail scares me. So, I’ll keep it brief.
The next broadcast happened a week later. Wednesday, the 25th of September 2024. Once again, it came out of nowhere. It was a different station this time, my mum couldn’t bare to watch anything on the previous channel after what had happened last time. I was helping her solve a crossword when it happened. The anchor said, “we can show you some footage from the scene of the crime”, and we thought nothing of it. Lots of news stations show CCTV footage of a crime, cutting away or blurring before anything too graphic can be shown. This grainy, black and white footage showed the gates of a school. A dark-coloured car pulled up at the bottom right, which drew our attention to the date: 18th of September 2014.
We recognised the school. And we recognised who was outside of it. She was being spoken to by a man. My mum screamed at me to turn it off. I knew what it was, I knew what I’d see if I didn’t switch the channel. I pressed the button, and nothing seemed to happen. Well, the station logo changed.
It was being played on all stations.
I pressed it again, and ended up on live snooker coverage. Although the tension in the room dissipated, the tension of me inside didn’t. It was like being pulled out of an oven, only to realise your innards are burning. I’m scared about my mum. There are little things I can do, but I can’t pull the pain out of her.
The last incident happened recently, and this one made me snap. Somehow, they had home video footage of my sister singing to herself. She swung her arms around herself in front of two glass doors, both pure white from the sunlight. Old, shaky video camera footage of her singing “today’s the day, my big day” in a tinny voice, obviously warped by the camera’s microphone.
This was spliced midway through a quiz show, once again at ten past six. It took me a moment to realise who I was looking at. As I ran to the power button, the footage cut to a clock showing ten past six, with the man saying: “I wanted to be in the papers. I wanted to scare everyone.”
It must’ve been his twisted motivation.
The footage cut back to the game show, midway through a question. My mum came back into the room after she’d dried her hair. She must’ve known something would happen at this time, so she took a shower. It was a good idea, because this one would’ve made her sick. It made me sick too. I called up the station, hoping to get them to acknowledge what was happening.
I waited on the phone for an hour, knowing it was all probably a waste of time. When I finally got an answer, I explained to the operator about what I assumed must be hijackings. He said he doesn’t know anything about it. None of these incidents happened.
Okay, so, this doc originally ended there, with a paragraph about asking for witnesses or recordings of these events. This week, another one happened. We stopped watching the TV around this time, but it got into my computer.
I was showing my mum some fun videos on YouTube. There are a lot of travel Vlogs showing places my mum and dad used to visit, like the once bustling ‘resort’ of Skegness. She loved it. I glanced at the clock, and I saw it was almost time. It felt like I was hiding out in a bunker or something, waiting for a storm to pass. But this metaphorical bunker wasn’t as secure as I’d hoped.
It flashed on the screen. Some scribbled child drawings, done in flaky crayon. The first was a navy car, a man made of scribbles, and my sister, holding her favourite unicorn toy. It showed the man driving the car on a rainbow as my sister played with the unicorn, all rendered in crayon scribbles. The video wouldn’t pause, so I held my phone close to my chest to spare my mother the sight of this. I’m glad I did.
CW for the next paragraph. I go into some detail here, but only because I want people to know what I saw. If I were too vague, I could confuse people, or lose potential witnesses here.
I looked back to see if it was all over. It wasn’t. The last image showed a crayon drawing of my sister’s face. An orange outline, with blue scribbles for eyes. Her mouth was injured. It was more detailed than the rest, and a few teeth were knocked out. The top of the image, I think, showed the unicorn toy.
I was nearly sick in my mouth. Of course, I checked the video, just in case it was some strange coincidence, but these images were not part of it. There’s no way I’m leaving my mother alone. I’ve told work I’m not coming in. I don’t care, they can fire me. Somebody is doing this, and I don’t know who, or how, or why.
Nobody has any leads on this so far. It seems like it’s just happening to us. So, I turned on the TV again, by myself, at 6:10. Nothing was shown this time, but the news reporter seemed to deviate from the script.
“Twenty weeks and ten years ago, at this exact time, at this exact minute, she died.”
He said much, much worse than that, but that’s the gist of it. I had a sick feeling that that was the significance of the time. My mum knew. It was talking to me.
We have a strange, military like routine now. All devices with a screen are turned off by 6:10. PC, TV, laptop. It’s strange, the amount of dread one minute can cause. Even as we’re avoiding it, we’re actively thinking about it. Doing a crossword puzzle and performing a little pantomime in your head to distract from what you’re actually worrying about.
My phone rang this time.
I thought it was my dad, that’s the image my screen showed. My dad next to a huge gator we saw at Florida. I answered, not sure if I should hurt him by telling him of the events, but I wish I hadn’t.
She was screaming.
I threw the phone away, my mum was shaken and neither of us could take it any more. We decided that it must have something to do with the broadcast tower. Neither of us are sure if they connect to TV, Wi-Fi, and mobile, but what else is there to do? The local one’s not too far from here, in fact.
So, we arrived there after a short but tense drive and some security men come out of the building. It was so windy the trees were at risk of coming down. They come out, wanting to see why a suspicious car has got so close to the rusted barrier. We tell them what’s been going on, subtly convincing them, and ourselves, that this is some kind of sick, targeted hijacking.
“We haven’t seen anything happening.” they say, coming off as genuine, but a little rushed. The trees are going crazy above us, so it makes sense they don’t want to be beneath them.
It also turns out that TV transmitters don’t affect Wi-Fi, so, we don’t know what’s going on.
Nobody does.
It’s December now. We’ve kept all devices off around the 6 o’clock period. But it weighs on our mind. When you can’t do something, it’s all you thi...
Content cut off. Read original on https://old.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/1i85t4e/a_decade_after_my_sisters_death_intrusive_and/