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  • I've been reeking of garlic (and, embarrassingly, sweat) all morning and lolling around in bed shamelessly avoiding uni obligations. House is a dumpster. Well, I'm done with being gross now... time to start with the mountain of chores to bring this place back to sanity.

    • Lol. I've got stuff on the floor in every room but I have tidy cupboards and drawers. Throwing out a heap of shit. I found napisan that expired in 2014. Everytime I mark something off my list I add another 2 things to it. I feel ya. 💜

    • Must be the day for it. I’ve been putting stuff off and now need to just bite the bullet and get it done

  • Yet another wave.

    Also got into a barking contest apparently with an elderly St. Bernard doggo. This thing was huuge. They're gentle giants but I lost that one had to yield.

  • Once a little sugar ant made up his mind to roam -

    To fare away far away, far away from home.

    He had eaten all his breakfast, and he had his Ma's consent

    To see what he should chance to see; and here's the way he went -

    Up and down a fern frond, round and round a stone,

    Down a gloomy gully where he loathed to be alone,

    Up a mighty mountain range, seven inches high,

    Through the fearful forest grass that nearly hid the sky,

    Out along a bracken bridge, bending in the moss,

    Till he reached a dreadful desert that was feet and feet across.

    'Twas a dry, deserted desert, and a trackless land to tread,

    He wished that he was home again and tucked-up tight in bed.

    His little legs were wobbly, his strength was nearly spent,

    And so he turned around again and here's the way he went -

    Back away from desert lands, feet and feet across,

    Back along the bracken bridge bending in the moss,

    Through the fearful forest grass, shutting out the sky,

    Up a mighty mountain range seven inches high,

    Down a gloomy gully, where he loathed to be alone,

    Up and down a fern frond and round and round a stone.

    A dreary ant, a weary ant, resolved no more to roam,

    He staggered up the garden path and popped back home.

  • Lovely day update - bliss has been interrupted my multiple mowers and power tools. Neighbours really hate silence.

  • I love my local group even if is on FaceAche. Nabbed a free cat auto feeder. Might save our toes being chomped at stupid AM. Assuming they don't figure out how to break into it at midnight...,

  • Oh fuck me.

    I tried to book some leave for after the moratorium - we’ve got a brief hold on leave requests for everyone because new stuff coming through the pipeline etc - and the new system to book it is a fucking nightmare.

    I need a break and I can’t even organise one

    • Work recently 'upgraded' to Xero for pay/timesheets/leave etc. Only public holidays don't load properly. I have let management know just how I feel about that. Requesting leave actually works pretty good though.

    • Covid is still getting around. taps head

  • I could not be arsed making dinner but I’m glad I did, even if it’s a late one. There’s nothing more comforting after a shitty day than a home cooked meal. Steak cooked to perfection 👌

  • I forgot how good Peter Steele’s voice is. Shame on me.

    It shall be a Type O Negative afternoon. 😈

  • Am trying to complete Medicare claim forms and have been on the phone with the infuriating automated service

    It’s not too early to start drinking, is it?

  • Fucking youtube, I click on one or two wrong videos and suddenly its hater content again. "Why women ruined women by women" narrated by AI.

    • I find the amount of hate on YT very disturbing. it takes a huge effort to watch only positive videos.

    • I actively go thru my watch history and purge things I think will negatively impact my algo.

  • Questions: If I wanted to post a video I've made but it won't upload because it says "image too large" What does that mean? Is it my phone or lemmy? Is it too high resolution? How do I fix it. It's 24 seconds long. I have a Samsung A21s. So many questions. Not important. Just adding to my list of tech achievements.

    • Too big for Lemmy.

      The video I uploaded was 30s long and 19mb

      You’re probably better off throwing it on a 3rd party site like YouTube and linking us to there given I couldn’t load it on my phone app and also size of things might be too much for the server if we do it a lot.

      Edit: my video was 720p

      • I made a 4 second one after my post and the link came up like yours but it wouldn't play. I'm gonna look at my apps and see if there's a player there. Brb.

  • today is a day of cooking and then hopefully I won't have to cook for at least another 4 days

  • 2 months after creating a kids account so my daughter can listen to Taylor Swift non-stop. My YouTube music algorithm is finally producing songs that I like, not neverending Taylor Swift.

  • I hear rumbling. I’m not sure if it’s from the cricket I’m watching or there’s actually some thunder or something near me.