Barry Groves: Homo Carnivorus What We Are Designed to Eat - 52m
Barry Groves: Homo Carnivorus What We Are Designed to Eat - 52m
RIP Barry Groves 1936-2013
1:27 Chaotic dietary recommendations and the rise in chronic disease. 3:00 What are we designed to eat? 4:30 Wild animals don’t read diet books or hire personal trainers! 5:25 Why body typing is nonsense. 6:38 Which mammals are designed to eat a high-fat diet? 7:43 How a gorilla’s low-fat diet is NOT a low-fat diet… 10:21 How a ruminants high-carb diet becomes a no-carb diet! 12:42 Why carnivorous animals prefer the fatty parts of their prey. 13:42 Primitive human cultures also ate and preferred high-fat diets. 14:55 Where should our dietary fats come from? 15:20 All primates are NOT vegetarians! 16:28 Primates have been reclassified as omnivores. 17:27 Cave paintings depict hunting, not fruit-picking… 18:08 What ancient poop can tell us about the human diet. 19:30 The impact of climate change on the human brain. 23:10 Why vegetable fats are suitable for brain development. 24:30 Kleiber’s Law. 26:30 Where does energy for the brain come from? 28:19 Small brain, big gut. And the other way around… 29:50 How the Lord dissed Cain’s fruit offering but accepted Abel’s fat. 32:48 Greek meat-thology. 🙂 34:43 The dietary wisdom of cannibals… 37:49 What Mediterraneans really eat! 40:10 Historical causes and modern evidence for a shrinking brain. 43:40 Ancel Keys and his fraudulent CHD data. 44:46 How does an old-fashioned food cause a brand new disease? 46:38 How can you have a fat-free cream when cream is fat? 47:10 The incredible shrinking vegan brain. 49:34 Civilized man is the planet’s only chronically sick animal! 51:59 The answer to our problems.