Owlbear Rodeo Legacy virtual tabletop released under a noncommercial license for self hosting
Owlbear Rodeo Legacy virtual tabletop released under a noncommercial license for self hosting

The source code for Owlbear Rodeo 1.0 released for your non-profit use - GitHub - owlbear-rodeo/owlbear-rodeo-legacy: The source code for Owlbear Rodeo 1.0 released for your non-profit use

With Owlbear Rodeo 2.0 getting officially released the developers haven't quite made made good on their promises to open source the original Owlbear Rodeo (releasing under a non-commercial license instead of a proper Open Source license what they are now calling “Owlbear Rodeo Legacy”), but the source is available on GitHub, complete with a docker-compose file to spin up your own instance.