An article so aggressively stereotypically lib that I'm having a hard time believing that it's not just HB bait
An article so aggressively stereotypically lib that I'm having a hard time believing that it's not just HB bait
An article so aggressively stereotypically lib that I'm having a hard time believing that it's not just HB bait
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Quick, someone roll out the Lenin quote about the Economist
Nah, I'd be specific.
The position of the aristocracy of finance is most strikingly depicted in a passage from its European organ, the London Economist.
Marx, the 18th brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.
Sometimes I forget just how old these institutions really are.
I'm not surprised, but that's certainly new trivia for me. Absolutely deplorable, morally bankrupt, thoroughly liberal in all the inhumane ways imaginable.
sometimes I do wonder whether the sentiment goes a bit too far, whether it would be more fair to wish something like “a minor drop in circulation” or “a financially burdensome libel suit” on our London competitor.
But then I remember what The Economist actually is, and what it stands for, and what it writes. And I realize that death is the only option.
Oh my, it's like this piece was written just for me imma grab a cuppa and dig the fuck in. Thank you