Is there a method to see a list of seized domains?
Is there a method to see which domains were seized, when 3 letter agencies seize them due to piracy.
Within the past month or two, Europol et al seized ~100 IPTV domains. I'm curious to know what these domains were. I've Googled but my Googlefuu isn't good enough.
And I'm curious in general for all piracy related domain seizes.
Along the same lines I've been wondering if there's a list of sites AU ISPs block on account of piracy. I could use a few more good sources, and I'm feeling spiteful 😈
Also related, is there a non-onion domain system that isn't controlled by the government and big corporations but that unlike the onion allows for short, memorable names rather than long strings of random characters?
Okay, that is confusing. Do you need a special client or something from them to be able to access websites or what? I couldn't figure it out (probably because I'm dumb).