Blaming Thompson for these prices is shifting the blame. Thompson was the CEO; he wasn't writing these company policies himself. He approved of these policies, but CEOs aren't hands-on enough to have this kind of impact on prices.
There are plenty of other ghouls at UHC who are actually more directly to blame for this. And, unlike Thompson, they can still be punished for it.
In the upper-class ideology of meritocracy, the CEO gets paid the really big bucks because he takes the risks, and he's ultimately responsible for the performance of the company. The buck stops at the C-level. Seems to me that if the benefits flow to the top, so should the costs.
That doesn't preclude punishing all of the ghouls, of course.
I disagree. The highest leader is responsible for what people under them do. He knew what was happening, he could have taken action to stop it, and he did the opposite. This was a conspiracy to commit murder on a massive scale, and he was the most powerful conspirator.