Service monitoring
Service monitoring
Hi all!
i have a nice setup with some containers (podman rootless) and bare metal services (anything i can install bare metal, goes bare metal usually).
I used Monit, in the past, to keep an eye on my services and automatically restart something that for any reason goes down. I stopped using Monit because doesnt scale well on mobile browser and it's frankly clumsy to configure.
I could go back to Monit i guess, but i am wondering if there is anything better out there to try.
A few requirements (not necessarily mandatory, but preferable):
- Open Source (ideally: true open source, not just commercial sulutions with dumbed down free verisons)
- Not limited, or focuesd, on containers (no Watchtower and similar)
- For containers, it can just support "works" or "restart"
- For containers, if it goes above the minimum "works" and "restart" must support podman
- Must support bare metal services (status, start, stop)
- Must send email or other kind of notifications (ok IM notifications, but email preferred)
- Should additionally monitor external machines (es other servers on the LAN), or generic IP addresses
- Should detect if a web service is alive but blocked
- No need for fancy GUIs or a Web GUI (it's a pro point, but not required)
- No need for data reporting, graphics and such aminities. They are a plus, but 100% not required.
What do you guys use?