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  • I was vaguely aware that he was a piece of shit from the allegations that were already public knowledge, but reading these details made me queezy - Gaiman is a monster.

    EDIT: I almost feel the CW is insufficient. At minimum it should noteremoved and child abuse.

    • good catch actually, idk what's censored but i should have added CSA. my bad.

      • No worries the whole thing is so shocking. I don't want to try to get around the word filter but, it's the word for a specific and severe form of SA.

        I'm assuming if it's filtered here it would be in the subject line as well, and that if its filtered someone felt uncomfortable having to even read it so the SA CW is probably the right call anyways?

  • You know what, I've decided to become angry at this. I am going to turn the few shitty paperbacks I have by this guy to our sauna kindling.

    When the Sandman series was a thing I ended up in a stuggle session with Gaiman stans on Twitter because I thought the depiction of Despair in the series was utterly violent towards fat people. I was told I just don't get it.

    I have always felt that I am missing something about the books of this literature genius because to me the books are mediocre at best. And I kind of felt like an outsider for it.

    Turns out this guy is the monster that is hidden in plain sight in between the lines. And while I am against book burnings, I will burn these books. For all SA victims like myself.

    I am so tired of how the world we live in keeps making stars and celebrities of the worst of us. Imagine the stories we could have if they were written by good people. I don't mean some goody two shoes type of good, but people who are kind, have solidarity towards others and do not glorify the darkest impulses of humanity only.

    • A lot of his books include longish boring peregrinations over the rural USA and apropriation of native cultures, which is concerning even for US author, let alone a Brit. I just knew he had some skeletons in his closet.

      To be fair though up to now i didn't like him mostly because his books are incredibly overrated, and he basically plagiarised R. L. Green version of norse myths, except his version is worse.

  • I always felt this guy was sus af because when I tried to read his stuff he revels in mean violence in a way that made my skin crawl. Not to mention the way he treated fat bodies, it's always a red flag. The objectification and dehumanizing is right there.

    The really disgusting bit to me was the way he hid behind neurodiversity as an explainer for being a monster, like this guy threw an entire minority under the bus to justify his actions. It is similar to the way celebrities have tried to hide behind behavioral addiction (not real) as a justification for horrible behaviour.

    Also isn't it just nice how the society we live in keeps raising people like this? How many does it take before people realize that there is something wrong with both these people and the system.

  • Literally what is there even to say, fifteen women. And that's just the number who spoke to his wife personally!

    Also the most horrific shit he was doing literally like 2022, 2023, 2024.

    Neil Gaiman is going to need to hire a private military for life to be able to walk the streets without getting three Luigis in the back.

    • Yeah, until this the general vibe was that he'd just acted moderately sex pesty in a way that was more "Not cool, you need to go away and fucking fix yourself, bro." than "cancelled forever" but this is fucking damning, and happened after the allegations began to spread! He's evil and stupid and he deserves what he gets!

    • The only imaginable bright spot is that the obvious attempt to groom his young son into a predator too happened so recently that there's some hope that he might receive effective therapy for it before he becomes an adult.

  • Liberal, artsy guy constantly going for significantly younger women is always a huge, red flag, so I’ve been wary of him for a while. But holy, fucking shit did I not anticipate just how extreme the stuff was that he forced upon these poor women. Just utterly depraved.

    And he’s been doing that for decades without any real consequences (except for all the hush money he gave his victims). Really makes me mad.

  • This is fucking horrifying, the worst part is knowing that people like this exist and are out there. Having to go through stuff like that, with self-righteous abusers, it really fucks you up.

  • Consensual BDSM is a thing, so do people like this not understand that or do you think the true harm and non-consent is part of the “turn-on”? I always wonder this when I hear about these things.

    It also sucks because I used to be a big Gaiman fan. 😫 Why do people have to be creeps?

    • I think it's because the people like this are doing it for more than just sexual reasons, or if they aren't, they just don't care about other people at all. Or it's because there's some sort of weird "kink" (I hesitate to even call it that) going around in people with power for genuinely hurting and controlling people, like you said. Like the point isn't the appearance of the thing or even the actions, but the result of hurting someone else.

      • It must be that because, especially with someone as famous as Gaiman, I would be surprised if there wasn’t girls would would consensually submit to him (though, imo safe words are non-negotiable). I’m well-versed in the power dynamic he seemed to be looking for (Master/slave), but in a real power exchange* like this, trust and time are needed to establish it (*in reality, the slave must give the power over to the Master). Even things like sadism and consensual non-consent, which he also seemed to be into (though maybe not the consensual part), are sought after by many subs, but the trust• has to be established first (•that, though it may hurt, no true harm will befall the sub, and also that, if it becomes too much, the sub can stop it at any time). It doesn’t seem like Gaiman was willing to establish that kind of dynamic and, even if he were, it doesn’t seem like he would keep the bond of trust that a true Dom would - it seems like he would want no limits (and no safe word), ultimate power which, in the end, is just rape.