Hard truth
Hard truth
Hard truth
Fun fact I like to share with everyone who enjoys shrimp. Up until the 90s 80s they were very difficult to breed in captivity. They just wouldn’t reproduce.
Until someone figured out that it you cut out one of their eyes, they will readily breed. Nobody really knows why, but they snip off one of the eye stalks on the females to get them to breed.
That's fucked.
how did they discover that? who's just going around cutting random parts of swimmy guys??
Maybe some bad bitch shrimp got in a knife fight with a lobster, lost her eye and just went ham
Fun fact
Not fun at all
SLPT: Poke out your girl's eyeball to get some guaranteed hard lovin.
ever eaten anything with red in it? (like the icing decorations on the pictured cake)
Also, ever eaten a shiny candy? Chances are is coated in confectioners glaze, which is a fancy word for shellac, which is an insect excretion.
Chocolate milk uses red algae as a stabilizer
That's pretty interesting.
You never think about it, but most of everything is dyed. And that dye has to come from somewhere.
So is crab and molluscs
I've been saying that for years and I call them water bugs
It's an ugly planet. A bug planet.
Remember the bug planet, Vegeta?
Delicious bugs.
Then why don’t they call it bug fried rice? Checkmate Atheists
We'll all have to adjust to eating land bugs soon enough. Those of us who enjoy ocean bugs have a small headstart.
Lobsters are commonly referred to as bugs as well.
There is no scientific definition of “bug”, but the folk definition seems to be any invertebrate, typically with more than four limbs.
The order Hemiptera would like a word with you.
Shrimps be bugs
蛯 (Japanese "Ebi") = prawn. 蛯 (Simple Chinese "Lao") = cricket.
So is lobsters and crabs.
Eating them anyway, though.
yes but there's a distinction with lobsters, crabs and crawfish that shrimp do not posses:
Shrimp taste like rubbery turds. there's a reason the cocktail comes with a bucket of ketchup garbage.
Are shrimps bugs, though?
Depends on the definition of bug. Entemological true bugs are a very specific class of insects, but the term bug was used to describe any arthropod for significantly longer than proper taxonomy has been around.
So if you're a biologist, no, if you're an anthropologist, yes.
Someone covered in brine shrimp would be more likely to feel covered in bugs than covered in marine crustaceans though.
And they're fucking delicious.
People and fish are more closely related than shrimp and insects
The taxonomy puts us right about the same, splitting after phylum. That being said, a shrimp looks a hell of a lot more like a silverfish than I do like a carp.
Well, depending on my general state of health.
What flavor is the cake?