They're been quiet for seventy days now.
They're been quiet for seventy days now.
They're been quiet for seventy days now.
They are still in Russia. They moved on to fucking with the German election now I believe.
Yeah, I wish they'd promote the Green party here.
But with our voting system they have to promote the nazis directly.
Which they are unfortunately doing very successfully, along with fucking Elon Musk.
America, could you please keep your billionaires to yourself? They're annoying as hell.
The Harris and Trump promoters also suddenly went quiet the day after the election.
What did you expect? The election cycle do be like that.
I wish the Trump supporters would go silent.
If you don't spend your time perpetually online, they are pretty silent.
Trump promoters also suddenly went quiet the day after the election.
I wish
If those "green voters" actually gave a shit about getting their candidate elected, you'd hear from them for more than 2 months every 4 years.
But no, that was never the goal. Their goal was for Trump to win
Green/PSL voters are literally posting in this thread. Maybe you have confirmation bias.
Oh, I thought that was because I blocked Trump and Musk in my keywords. It's been a peaceful time and I expect I shan't ever go back.
Nor I.
What? Lol? What universe do you live in? Sounds nice
Trump promoters also suddenly went quiet the day after the election
What the hell have you been smoking lmao
Trump promoters also suddenly went quiet the day after the election.
Show me a conservative with their mouth closed and I'll show you an America where everyone is treated equally.
I don't know about the Trump promoters, but a lot of the people vocally supporting Harris are very much still here, commenting about other topics. A few (but only a few) of the third-party supporters are still here too, for that matter (notable example: @givesomefucks).
That's how you can tell they're real users, rather than shills being paid to push an agenda: they didn't go away when the job ended.
This thread is not about people's appetite for political discussion, or whether they're misguided enough to only pay attention to the Presidential election instead of building their party from local offices on up. It's about whether they were ever legitimate at all to begin with.
The election is over, did you expect them to keep telling you to vote 3rd party when there is no election to vote for them in? Perhaps you noticed that all the "Vote Harris" commercials stopped too?
If they're legitimate users, I expected them to continue to exist, occasionally commenting on memes and cat pictures and whatnot like the rest of us.
But they're entirely gone instead, almost as if they stopped working once they stopped getting paid.
If they're legitimate users, I expected them to continue to exist, occasionally commenting on memes and cat pictures and whatnot like the rest of us.
I assure you they do, they just aren't saying "Fuck Harris vote for this cat instead" on cat pics, because that would be insane.
Edit: Upon reflection, the cat is likely the best candidate.
Right here, what do you want?
Apparently you’re supposed to bring up politics when commenting on cat pictures or something.
Right here, what do you want?
Generally speaking, I think we want you to be a more intelligent voter.
What do you have to say for yourself?
I've historically voted 3rd party. This past election i voted for a party that did not represent me or the policies I support, all out of fear of orange man. What did compromising my values do? Fuck all.
Voting 3rd party in America sends the message to the losing party that if they wanted that vote there is policy they need to adopt. There are things they need to change.
Issue in this election is even if every 3rd party vote went to kamala, she would have still lost, because they ran THAT MUCH of a terrible campaign. Their message was tone deaf. It was generic and lifeless. I could have been a better campaign manager for them and frankly that's sad.
People get pissy when you criticize dems, but the fact of the matter is they are very much the problem in this country too. Saying they aren't as bad as Republicans only speaks to just how awful they are, not how good dems are. Until people recognize this and demand change everyone is going to be stuck supporting one of two evils or maybe a 3rd party can steal enough support to replace one of the main 2.
All that hinges on trump not going full dictator. At this point I don't have confidence enough Americans would actually stand up to stop him.
Still advocating for state level electoral reform so people can vote outside the two party system with no spoiler effect.
Why are you okay with people being unrepresented with their options in the voting booth? Don't you support democracy?
In fact no. These are the very same people that prefer a dictator to take de facto power over the will of the people( see Venezuela) just because the will of the people doesn't align with their ideology this time
So yeah
Now's the exact time to promote third parties.
Any third party that's actually trying to build a coalition and provide viable candidates would absolutely be working overtime right now.
Yup, but most likely it'll be crickets until a month or two out from the next election when they'll turn on their shiny lights and attract all the assholes that think showing interest and voting for a 3rd party right before an election, and only right before an election, is actually going to do something.
If there actually were any. The only reason we hear about them ever is to promote spoiler candidates. Most are entirely funded by the GOP.
Yeah, like the brainworm anti-vax guy that's now going to be in charge of our health as restitution for siphoning voters from Dems.
Yeah. On a local/state level. For a long, long time before one can even stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning a presidential election.
"Yes, but as a strategic move, give up on controlling the most important single office in the country."
Perot won 19% in 1992. Why has the trend inverted?
OTOH, been seeing lots of posts brought to you by the "democrats don't need to change, it's the voters who are wrong" gang.
And I personally think it’s astroturfing. The political parties spend tons of $ to influence opinion. Why wouldn’t they hire a bunch of bots to push their message in this space?
How can you lose an election so bad and think that it’s the voters who need to change? The tail does not wag the dog, democrats! I refuse to believe this is genuine sentiment. I live in a very liberal state and IRL conversation it’s fuck the democrats, a whole lot of people I work with were first time trump voters. BLUE STATE. One of the most liberal. Home to Bernie sanders!
The voters voted in Trump again so maybe there’s something there.
I mean, yeah, sure. There's a lot of fucking scumbag MAGA people. There's also a lot of people who pay almost no attention to politics at all and have a lot of problems.
Quick! In one sentence, summarize Kamala's campaign pitch. If you did it without mentioning Trump or Biden, I'm impressed, good job, I'm pretty interested in what you came up with. Now, do Trump. Probably something stupid like "you'll be winning so much" or whatever, right? If you knew nothing at all about politics, which one sounds better? For someone who isn't paying attention, maybe distrusts all politicians equally (for better or worse), probably Trump's. Of course, he's going to be fucking catastrophic for anyone who isn't a billionaire, but I'm just talking campaign pitches. The point is that the democrats need to take this opportunity to get their shit together and start working on a better pitch than "not Trump".
That’s what I get stuck on every time. Yeah, the democrats are useless and need to make big changes. They carry a lot of blame. But it’s not just people being fed up with their useless asses. The voters turned out in big numbers to vote FOR Trump. We expected the results to take a long time and be contentious again, but the morning after Election Day his victory was already clear.
It’s just… sad? Discouraging?
I get your point, but absolutely 100% unironically it is the voters who are wrong.
Trump lead an insurrection, is a confirmed rapist, convicted felon, twice impeached, wear dampers because he's incontinencent, openly scammed his voters out of their money multiple times and has vowed to be a dictator.
A sloppy dog shit should have won against him.
A sloppy dog shit should have won against him.
Which is why I maintain that it's the DNC's fault. Trying to win by asking voters to vote against someone is a dog shit strategy with a dog shit track record. In fact, in a lot of regards, Kamala's campaign was run pretty similarly to Hillary's. For me, the chief similarity is that they tried to rely on fear and shaming and celebrity appearances (by the second half of the campaign) instead of offering an impactful policy slate. To boot, I seem to recall that a lot of team Hillary ended up running Kamala's campaign, so I guess it's not too shocking that they muzzled a lot of her left leaning ideals and basically ran Hillary pt II. One would have hoped that they would have learned anything from '16 besides voter blaming, though. I'd like to point out that Kamala gained the most ground in the first half of her campaign when it was about excitement, when people were hopeful that she'd have some progressive policies and before it was known that her policy plank was the basic centrist corporate democrat plank.
It also didn't help that they pretended and insisted Joe was fine all through the primary, so we didn't get one, insisted he was fine and we just didn't have any choice but to vote blue after Joe blew his legs off and bled all over the debate stage for 90 minutes on national TV, and only started leaning on him once the really disastrous poll numbers started rolling in.
100% unironically it is the voters who are wrong.
Yup. We just had the most obvious election we're ever likely to experience and voters still managed to drop the ball. You can place blame on Democrats, and some of it would be justified, but the blame primarily lies on trash ass American voters. We are AWFUL at voting. We are AWFUL at informing ourselves responsibly.
democrats don’t need to change, it’s the voters who are wrong
Why not both?
It appears to me that not only does the Democrat party need to get better at messaging, but that a very large swath of Americans are also braindead stupid and easily manipulated.
Well, that's one take. I've worked around a lot of rural Republican voters, and they're probably some of the most heavily propagandized people on earth. There's such a a knowledge and information gulf there by design, it's going to take something huge to break people out of it. True story, I attempted several times throughout my life to get a fair understanding of the situation in Israel, always coming up sort of befuddled except that police states are something I take at face value as bad. This last year has cleared the befuddlement, but feeling good that I had a fair assessment of things before then felt nearly impossible, even with a semi-concerted effort, because of how much bullshit there was on all sides.
But, I'd wager you don't need republicans. Trying to flip republicans is moot. They should be trying to get no-voters.
"Hey, let's vote for a candidate who literally cannot win from a party that hasn't done the necessary work to become nationally viable because I don't want to be part of the two party problem even though if we do so it will guarantee that a felon rapist who incited an insurrection, stripped women of a human right, and illegally attempted to overturn an election will win." - Dipshit 3rd Party Voters
Just as stupid as Trump supporters, as far as I'm concerned.
Well, they got what we told them they'd be getting. Why aren't they celebrating?
But you're SUPPORTING GENOCIDE when you vote for the candidate most likely to get the fewest people killed! While the people of Palestine are about to be annihilated, my own right to marry is about to be taken away, and all of my trans friends are going to lose access to the drugs that keep them from killing themselves, I can rest easy knowing that I didn't engage with the system at all
All of that is fine and dandy except we live in reality.
Reality is a cold hearted bitch. The actual choices were between the status quo, with the occasional bone thrown out way, and billionaire backed fascism, where all of us will be actively fucked for at least the next four years, and likely longer because the fascists are unlikely to ever allow elections where they have a chance of losing.
Those were the only choices, not voting or voting third party was exactly the same as voting for the fascists. Congratulations, you did it, Trump won.
Absolutely right on point A.
Point B: This is wrong and you've obscured the idea. " we ( potential third party voters ) must vote for them because we ( left voters as a whole ) are voting for them " It's not circular logic, they are two different groups.
So as someone who wants the DNC ( and the GOP ) to disappear, here's what I think are the important questions:
IMO a good idea would be a threshold system. So anyone can join the party and say, " I will vote if there are X commited voters ". If not, the party stands down. They get to build support without spoiling the vote.
This is all theoretical of course since the US may have just had it's last election.
Start from scratch on the logic. What is the ENTIRE framework we're using to select candidates, as a population? When compared against other frameworks, how do we evaluate which framework is ideal, based on its long-term consequences for a society? If you have not already thoroughly answered this question for yourself, you are not qualified for this discussion in the first place.
What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?
Point A is absolutely true.
Point B would be true in a world where the US is a properly functioning and fair democracy. It is not. Elections are popularity contests, and the easiest way to become vastly more known and popular than other candidates is by throwing money at it. Without big donors, your party doesn't stand a chance. At best you have zero impact, at worst you act as a spoiler candidate and get the exact opposite of what you want in power.
In such a system, candidates aren't owed your vote. You owe your neighbors to vote in such a way that potential harm is minimised. A 3rd party vote, if unviable, is never that. In the US electoral system, it doesn't make sense to vote for someone, it makes sense to vote against someone. Which is a deeply sad reality and shows that the US is in dire need of electoral reform.
Point A. Mathematically, the third party voters did not cost you the election.
But they could have in any given election. I wasn't wearing a seat belt, but I didn't crash, so it didn't affect me...this time. Well guess what? This time we crashed. It just didn't happen to be their fault...this time. This time the seat belt was voters who didn't vote.
Point B. No candidate is owed your vote.
It isn't about owing. It's about acknowleding that only two parties have the possibility of winning and adulting up and voting for the one CLOSEST to your ideals. The one whose voting history makes the most sense for whatever social/economic class you fall under. Not holding out for an impossibility or going bust with the option FURTHEST from your ideals.
The only argument you can make for the preference of the first/second party candidates is not based on merit, but popularity alone.
I guess we're living in a reality where voting history doesn't matter.
The only argument you can make for the preference of the first/second party candidates is not based on merit, but popularity alone.
I mean yeah, obviously. Anyone over the age of 22 should have been able to tell you that the only two candidates with a chance of winning in '24 were the Republican or the Democrat.
It's circular logic to justify a population voting for a candidate on the basis of popularity - "we must vote for them because we're voting for them".
We (my peers) must vote for them because we (the rest of the country) are voting for them.
It seems like you don't understand the simple fact that most americans genuinely like the Democrat or the Republican. They don't get elected because everyone has deluded themselves into thinking everyone else is going to vote for them, they get elected because the average person sees Trump or Biden and says "I like that guy."
Thanks for helping Trump win! Palestine is so saved. This whole thing wasn't about you feeling morally superior at all.
“Hey, let’s vote for a candidate who literally cannot win from a party that hasn’t done the necessary work to become nationally viable because I don’t want to be part of the two party problem even though if we do so it will guarantee that a felon rapist who incited an insurrection, stripped women of a human right, and illegally attempted to overturn an election will win.” - Dipshit 3rd Party Voters
I tell them this every time, but they act like I'M the problem.
Don't tell them they're taking the wrong action, tell them they're taking the right action at the wrong time.
The key to getting more 3rd party support is to start 4 years ago, right after the last major election. The second best time to start is today, right after a major election. The WORST time to start supporting a third party candidate is right before a major election in a swing state with no party presence. Tell them to get to work. They won't get to be another major party, and they won't change the electoral system, but they can scare a major party into adopting one, maybe two of their policy positions. Sorry but that's just the best you can hope for if you're trying to change the system by voting.
Narrator: The Stein cicada has gone back underground to hibernate 4 more years. She will eventually resurface to make her cicada noises next election cycle
I take it you don't follow her on social media, because she is still actively posting? What are you accusing her of, exactly?
A true revolutionary I see
Does she still hang much with genocidal autocrats, psychopaths and christofascists?
Posting on social media? So you think just yapping on twitter is enough for her to earn votes?
Name something she’s actually done.
They still pop up now and again when they want to justify why Trump being elected was better than the filthy LIBERAL getting into office.
Which, itself, is a bit funny considering that third parties didn't have much influence on that.
Don't forget, liberals are Nazi's and America is committing genocide.
Also "fall of the empire(america)" is a good thing even though that would most certainly result in war crimes and a probable american genocide.
They still pop up now and again when they want to justify why Trump being elected was better than the filthy LIBERAL getting into office.
I'll take "shit nobody actually said" for 500 Alex
I think the real problem was those that stayed home. Turnout wasn't great.
The real problem is the Democratic party has stopped any good candidate from advancing. It's a party problem, nothing else
The problem is the actual voting system. First Past the Post actively punishes Third Party voters. Which leaves us with a choice between the status quo and a party that wants to make shit worse.
Now, the status quo isn't all that good, but is distinctly better than the alternative. But that's it.
To get something actually better, we need to change the voting system itself. Ordinal voting systems always result in some form of two party dominance. So we need something different. A Cardinal voting system.
There are two main choices. Approval, which has been used off and on in real world elections for at least a thousand years. Most notably for the election of the Pope for several centuries before the process was corrupted by wealth and nepotism.
The other option is STAR, a voting system designed in 2014 meant to address the problems with other voting systems.
Yes, and if Democrats continue to refuse to understand why, they'll continue to lose. This meme is a sterling example of that refusal. Third-party voters didn't shift the election outcome. (If anything, there were more votes for right-wing third parties than left-wing third parties.) Polls show that Gaza was simply not a major factor, either. (The exception might be Michigan, but with 15 electoral votes, that wouldn't have changed the ultimate outcome.)
Ofc it was, but that having a foot in reality is not needed when hunting for scapegoats.
This is like the ~2 month period in between US election spam, I quite enjoy it. I really don't need 12 months a year of yanks bitching about their idiotic government.
As one of said "yanks" I wholeheartedly agree, chap.
Jill Stein received less than 1% of the vote. Scapegoat someone else.
It's not the 3rd party candidates that are being scapegoated, it's the people who sat about yelling about how terrible Kamela is and people should vote 3rd party or stay home. Now, shockingly, when people didn't show up to vote for the D ticket we ended up with the R option and things are already getting chaotic before he's in office. Yet they apparently are perfectly OK with this result.
We don't need a third party. We need ranked choice voting.
We need like eight more parties. RCV won't change hardly anything if we stick with single-winner elections. Gotta switch to some form of proportional representation, like Sequential Proportional Approval Voting.
You're right that proportional representation (PR) would better reflect diverse political views, but RCV can still be a step toward breaking the two-party dominance. It lowers the barrier for third-party and independent candidates by reducing the "spoiler effect" and encouraging broader support. Ideally, combining RCV with multi-winner districts or systems like Sequential Proportional Approval Voting would create a more representative democracy.
How can you have ranked choice voting with only two parties?
Ranked choice voting still works with two parties by letting voters rank multiple candidates within those parties or include third-party/independent options. It helps ensure the winner has broader support, reduces "lesser of two evils" voting, and encourages more positive campaigning, especially in primaries.
Hi! I'm right here!
Liking your new president?
I haven't liked any president in my life, no.
If stopping trump is so important, then why didn't democrats replace First-past-the-post voting with a more representative electoral system? So people could be free to vote how they wish, safe in the knowledge their vote would still be counted against Republicans if their preference didn't win.
More people voting statistically means more votes for democrats. Why are the democrats saying no to these easy votes? Where is the urgency?
What would you do for more then one chance to beat the Republicans? Would you campaign for electoral reform in your state like Alaskans did?
That's right, a state has already done away with FPTP voting. It's possible, as voting is controlled at the state level.
You have to admit that losing to Trump twice is fucking embarrassing, and it should destroy any notion that the democratic party should be the only poltical party to fight this fight. They have more then lost that privilege long ago.
The Democratic party is not more important then the United States of America. If only the DNC felt the same way...
They went the same place the people who raved that any critics of Biden/Harris were cloaked Trump supporters or Russian bots.
Theyre still here, just posting about things that aren't politics.
I'm right here bot boy
Just incase youre falling for this argument remember; there is zero chance biden or harris become president now and unless I missed something war in the middle east is still going strong.
Someone expresses disdain for the democratic party in community
Get comments removed/banned for this
Don't interact with the community anymore
oMg WhErE dId ThEy gO????
Banned for not aligning with the Democratic party?? Not on my good!!
If someone was bored enough they could go find the most popular posts from the election cycle and create a list of people pushing what agenda and then track how many of those accounts are suddenly inactive today.
Imagine engaging in a witch hunt and harassment directed at individual users
Imagine simping for trolls
Don't be a removed, stand behind what you said.
Imagine putting words in someone's mouth because you can't argue against what they said without doing so...
I still point out once a week. Republicans and Democrats are the problem. Entirely ditch both parties and grab a third party that's actually terrified of happening to them, what just happened to the Republican's and Democrats and taking our country back from the damn thieves.
But I guess with eye sight like that, you would have trouble seeing what's right in front of you.
You know it's funny, but I've NEVER seen a comment or a post from you guys saying "BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME, HERE ARE 10 EXAMPLES THAT PROVE IT"
But I have seen plenty of comments and posts listing example after example of just how different the progressive party is from the conservatives.
All I ever see from Team BSS is the same generic "both sides same lol because thats how I FEEL" type of answer. Never any receipts to backup those feels, I wonder why?
It's really not hard to see why bss. It's plastered everywhere at this point. Both parties are corrupt and cater to corporate interests. They take legal bribes and hurt the working class as a result.
If you're truly not a bot or paid state actor, you've gotta be real hardheaded to stick to this take.
The best solution to the two parties excluding the left isn't a third party, it's for the left to register as Republicans and conduct a hostile takeover of the GOP in the primaries.
This can easily succeed in blue states/cities to start out.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. The Democrats are very good at controlling the outcomes of their primaries, but the Republicans don't seem as capable. They threw everything they had at stopping Trump in 2016, came up short, and then allowed him to completely restructure the party. I wonder if it might be easier for a progressive to run in an open Republican primary in a district the broader GOP isn't trying to compete in, then try and take out the Democrat in the general. It might be more effective than primarying Democrats directly.
It's weird that that doesn't sound ludicrous
Well if they weren't banned id suppose they are doing the same as the other supporters of other parties?
"I don't see anyone voting for Democrats right now, they must have been turned off by the Kremlin!"
Yea I did what Bernie did… vote for Democrats in the election because it was the opinion closer to my own beliefs. I’m a registered NPA at this point because I find the DNC embarrassing to be affiliated with.
For the most part I’m a democratic socialist. I’ll be supporting those types of candidates get elected as just regular Democrats, because (for the people in the back) THE USA CURRENTLY HAS A TWO PARTY SYSTEM!
I did what Bernie did… vote for Democrats in the election because it was the opinion closer to my own beliefs.
So you behaved like a responsible adult?
Thank you.
Banned. And then .world asks why he went silent lol
Think he was the only blowhard leftist that was yelling at everyone to not vote democrat?
Canadian here,I still think it a good idea to start now. Harris could have been elected you would still need a third party or fifth. I believe Americans have been brain washed against it being even possible.
It isn’t possible without getting rid of the Electoral College.
But the chances of that were also flushed down the drain.
Lots of elections are not tied to the electoral college. Aren't there elected judges, sherrif, senators, etc, state level elections. Oh no it's useless if we can't have a 3rd party president win the next election. So we'll just keep hoping the nice billionaires win the next one. My province has been voting a party that only place people in our province and will never be in power. The rest of the country is often pissed off because we still manage to defend our values by being in the opposition.
Only because FPTP is hot garbage. Single Transferable Vote, Ranked Choice, etc are not incompatible with the Electoral College.
Why wouldn’t 3rd parties work in Congress? We already have caucuses and intra-labels like Blue Dog. Bernie still wears a D, as did Manchin.
I constantly see establishment Dems point to X as why we cannot change the voting/election structures, but rarely to never see the same voices agitate to change those same structures. The DNC and RNC like the duopoly, and actively defend it.
What the fuck happened to all the trick or treaters?
What's Jill Stein up to?
Have you actually checked her social media? I'm guessing no, because she is still posting?
Have you considered that your stance here, inconsistent with reality, is based on the Dem-pushed "they just pop up every 4 years" narrative, and indicates a lack of neutral analysis and fact-checking on your part? No?
The only way to create a viable third party is to vote for them. America needs a third choice.
Wrong, you create a viable third choice through effective, bold, and charismatic leadership and an incredibly strong marketing campaign. Our third parties seem happy to pull the outliers and disillusioned voting population, but you won't win an election with that.
The only way we're getting an actual third choice is by making something that's equal to or bigger in presence to our primary parties in terms of media representation and spectacle. None of the ones that exist today are pulling that off any time soon.
Our third parties seem happy to pull the outliers and disillusioned voting population, but you won’t win an election with that.
What was Trump's campaign again? The entire population is disillusioned. They're just also brainwashed into blaming the other party in a fake partisan system instead of the oppressive system itself.
We've got so many elections between each presidency like multiple a year, theres probably one in the next few months wherever you are. For some reason though, the majority of third party advocates only decide to advocate once every 4 years.
First past the post is the real problem here.
And the parties are never gonna give it up voluntarily.
They have that in common with Rick Astley.
I want a no party system.
That's how you get a 2-party-system.
Good news, you don't need parties when there are no elections.
Its definitely a movement that needs to start now. instead of summer 2028. DNC is a zionist first organization. They will reelect Trump to 3rd term, if Israel has not completed its final solution.
America is. The DNC and GOP reflect that. Focus on the DNC to your own peril. The DNC at least can be reasoned with on many things. Until Zionism and Israel are widely unpalatable to the general US public it's not going to change. Either get started manufacturing a new great awakening. Or don't focus on making enemies of everyone. It's a good way to accomplish nothing. As we did.
There is this...
I don't remember third party proponents. I remember the depression and realization that both parties continue to work hard to make this country suck more.
This is the time for third parties, not weeks before the election. I honestly would expect them under any US political post to remind people about third parties, forms of protest, etc. But I guess that's less fun than telling anyone trying to at least not pick the worst option pro-genocide. 🤷🏿♀️
Feel free to look through my post history. Sorry about all the garbage. Yes... I live like this.
It's almost like we live under a fundamentally corrupt system designed for slave masters to work together.
The electoral college is bad, but isn't the core problem.
The core problem is First Past the Post voting. And before the 1780s, the issues were almost completely unknown because voting at scale wasn't really a thing.
Now, the French saw the problem, or rather a French Mathematician named Condorcet did. He even hacked together a clunky voting system that sort of addressed the problem. But sadly was killed as part of the Reign of Terror.
The person who can beat every other candidate in a one on one election is called the Condorcet Winner.
Anyway the two voting systems that actually fix the problems are Approval and STAR. Both can easily deliver the Condorcet Winner while also supporting an unlimited number of candidates on the ballot.
Organizing quietly so as not to become targets for reeducation in febuary.
Well I voted for a 3rd party candidate in the UK election, how slow American elections are is rather amusing to me. You were campaigning this time last year and the new government hasn't yet taken power. Meanwhile ours was all done in a few weeks.
You guys go through two or three Prime Ministers in the time it takes for the transition!
Only the bad ones. We have had a lot of those recently.
That's not how it used to be, and that's so far only 1 incompetent party. (We'll see how the other party fares, especially under Elons gaze)
How wish I could post my electoral reform copy pasta in every thread I commented in. I've been muted and banned in other instances for doing so. Haven't really pushed my luck in .ml because I want to keep posting garbage content I find.
Perhaps I will be allowed one cheesy copypasta here as a treat?
The CEO's in charge are fucking everything up, too. Google, Apple, Adobe, Reddit... They're all getting worse every single day.
Adobe? What do they do bad other than have shitty subscriptions?
My city has a new Marxist Leninist party that has started up after the election. So no they aren't gone, but they are still harebrained.
Can we stop letting the same 4 people make these posts to just get the dopamine kicks from starting the arguments over all over again?
It's pointless grandstanding to get a fight started and that is basically it and it's the same people every time. People should just be blocking these accounts cause if anyone seems like permanently online trolls or shills it's these accounts making these exact posts like clockwork every single week.
It's lazy and the mods seem to let it happen cause they get a kick from the banning they can dish out.
Why are these anti-third party posts being spammed all of a sudden?
You lost by far greater than the number of third party voters. Not that it would even discredit a third party if you lost by less than that amount, because we're supposed to pick the best candidate, not the randomly chosen "best bet" that's complicit in genocide. This is disgusting.
Now count the protest voters as well. Let’s see how that changes things.
I talked about it 3 days ago:
There's less vote discussion going on right now. You want me to continue shilling Claudia de la Cruz anywhere I can?
Third party or bust. Republicans and Democrats are the same.
Third party or bust. Republicans and Democrats are the same.
Spoken like someone who hasn't gone out of their way to review both party's voting history or criminal conviction history, or hell, even bothered to pay attention over the last handful of years.
Anyone that says Republicans and Democrats are the same and uses a fucking picture to support their claim is intellectually lazy.
Two things not being particularly great do not, in any way, make them equivalent. And the fact that you think a 3rd party is going to magically save us and be uncorruptable is so naive it's comedy gold.
And what, exactly, does "3rd party or bust" mean? 3rd party or we let a felon rapist who stripped women of a human right, incited an insurrection, and illegally attempted to overturn an election be our leader again?
Goddamn, such an ignorant comment. You are 100% part of the problem.
Neither the Republicans nor Democrats are suggesting meaningful enough policy change to make the US a better country. The virtue signaling and microchanges that each of them make while in power have too little impact on real issues. I want to see someone campaign on cutting the military budget 90%, 10xing the education budget, or bringing in ranked voting.
I've only seen these suggestions come from third party candidates. So, might as well give these candidates a shot.
Goddamn, such an ignorant comment. You are 100% part of the problem.
A couple more of these comments and I'll join the Democrats again. Keep it up!
The picture carries more weight than you let on. Obama was one of the leading personalities in the party, which supposedly is some radical force for resistance and change against the MAGA fascist movement. And yet there he is, giggling along with Trump with no barrier or reservation. This actually disproves the myths about his character entirely, whether or not you want to acknowledge it. You can disagree with that, I'm sure you will, but frankly it just speaks to your lack of insight, and I'm not going to argue with you about it.
Re: Republican and Democrat "sameness". Obviously they are not exactly identical. But your perception of their difference is the outcome of brainwashing. Every theory that views them as opposing forces, instead of a kind of mock opposition inside of a uniparty, absolutely breaks down when you examine their virtually complete consensus on global oppression, foreign invasions, domestic totalitarianism, and so on. If your theory cannot account for their consensus on being a force of oppression against the entire world, the U.S. population included, your theory is incorrect.
They are not owed your vote. Our responsibility as a population in a so-called "representative democracy" is to select the best candidates - preferably ones that will amend the Constitution into a direct democracy. You are correct that corruptibility is always a risk - but Green & PSL being corrupt in the future is theoretical, while the Democrats and Republicans have proven their corruption beyond a reasonable doubt. It is Democrat and Republican voters who have abdicated this responsibility, and the entire world is burning as a result.
Republicans and Democrats are the same.
They're exactly the same, except one side wants to kill my friends for being gay
"Everything I don't like is a shill"
It's like someone instructed an AI to babble political jargon as if it was an old timey villain from the days of silent movies.
I hope to God you chuckled and twirled your mustache while posting that crazed rant.
rule 1
Literally how, I'm pointing out how this community did a poor job of convincing people to vote
Mods selectively enforcing rules, news at 11.
I was with the apathy delegation. And I was right btw. I did in fact tell you so.
Back to Russia of course
Zero, probably?
Considering that this isn’t .ml? I’m going to say…. None.
There wasn't time to run a 50 state primary. It takes 6 months to do that and Joe stepped down with about 1/2 that time remaining before the election and a month before the Democratic convention.
There was time, but the party simply wasn't interested in the will of the voters. We knew from the 2020 election Biden would not last another election cycle and we also knew that the party would do anything to subvert the will of the voters when they ran hard against the person with the biggest grassroots support.
People can tell themselves all the anecdotes and excuses they want about why democrats could not do better, but the truth is democratic politicians are only opposition to republican politicians in rhetoric. Republicans and democrats prefer one or the other remain in power so they can both keep grifting the American people with culture war while they rob the American people of their means and resources to support the colonial project that continues to destroy sovereign nations around the world. They all always vote for their own benefits to increase and to send money wherever possible for war while telling citizens to pinch their pockets and beg for donations.
Wake up people.