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  • Does eating meat with the bones count? Ever since I've had teeth I've loved eating bones. I remember telling my friend how good bones are and she looked at me like I had three eyes...

    • You mean the bone marrow? That's not really uncommon, I've had bone marrow on bread at restaurants.

      If you're swallowing the cooked bone itself.... you're gonna die dude. Puncture an organ or something.

  • Triple fried egg sandwich with chilli sauce and chutney. It's state of the art. I found the recipe in a book on bacteriological warfare. It's like a cross between food and bowel surgery. It's well naughty.

  • Stop looking me weird when I eat banana with gorgonzola, folks! It's actually tasty.

    Also, at least in my chunk of South America, people look at the eggs+pork combo as something outright gross, but I got to admit that I love some pork sausages with fried eggs.