Is preview on hover possible in firefox?
Is preview on hover possible in firefox?
In Brave I can see a preview of the page by hovering over the tab. Is something like this possible in firefox? Add-on or from settings?
Is preview on hover possible in firefox?
In Brave I can see a preview of the page by hovering over the tab. Is something like this possible in firefox? Add-on or from settings?
You can vote for this to be built-in here:
Yes, follow the instructions here:
Hope it helps.
In my case, it just shows a black rectangle :(
That tab you are hovering is "special" (because it has a protected domain, there are a couple of them ) addons can not inject content so i assume generating a screenshot also wont work here.
Also the addon wont be able to generate previews if the tabs are discarded, so the tabs need to have been active at least once in the current sessions, otherwise there also wont be a preview available.
Thats what i gather from my own knowlege and from this issue
Hope this info helps.
Btw why can't I find this post on lemmy
If you have show read posts disabled, there's currently a bug where it hides your own posts. I think a fix is in the next release.
But I wasn't signed in and I was sorting by new
Take a look at this, perhaps its what you are looking for?
The download link of CSS theme doesn't work. So I created a folder chrome and pasted the text into a userChrome.css file.
But it just shows a black rectangle :(
Do you mean this setting?
Nope I'm not taking about windows taskbar... I want to see the preview when I hover over a tab... see gif