These people both need to sit down and have some empathy for each other.
They could be growing stronger together through their struggles rather than making it some competition about who is worse off. (Which, in this case, the guy has started by not empathizing at all)
My mental health struggles in no way invalidate someone else's struggles.
This just in- man struggles with basic empathy, is wildly invalidating for no real reason to a person venting their frustrations
Edit: for the sake of clarity, I'm doing a bit here. I think the guy in the comic is an ass for making the other person's venting into a competition and invalidating their frustrations. I think people who do that are emotionally and interpersonally inept and it hurts the people around them
He's bleeding out of his vagina that often? He should see a doctor.
Also, this comic is sociopathic. You could say this in any situation to put anyone down. Are you feeling sick? I'm ALWAYS sick. Are you feeling sad? Well, I'm ALWAYS sad. Oh, you're painfully passing an egg, having cramps, and bleeding? Yeah, I ALWAYS eat Taco Bell.
Sometimes our emotional batteries run low and we feel like mouthing off (like this guy is doing) instead of being sympathetic. Most people don't, but we can have a bit of a laugh relating to feeling like depicted in the comic. This helps us let out some of our negative emotions without anybody having to put up with them which in turn allows helps us to keep being emotionally supportive to those we care about.
In this comic, a man is open with his feelings and reveals that he's been hiding a crippling depression that has become a facet of daily life. Something a large portion of men quietly struggle with as society frowns on men showing or expressing negative emotions.
In this comment thread, people shit on the comic for the guy not being more sympathetic to the woman.