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(2013) Op-ed: Democrats Throw Queers Under the Bus—Again

LGBT Americans are the Democrats' house Negroes. I'm sorry if that comparison offends anyone, but it's the most accurate societal comparison I can make. The Democrats let us come right up close and then remind us we are really just there to serve them with our votes and campaign contributions.

I'm not sure what it was about the immigration amendment vote that made me so angry -- it's not like being thrown under the political bus hasn't become a commonplace for LGBT Americans. Maybe it was because I know what those airport farewells are like. Or maybe it was just the cumulative effect of the Democrats screwing me and every other LGBT person in America over time and again. Or maybe it felt racist in addition to homophobic.

At present over 50,000 lesbian and gay couples would be impacted by the amendment being withdrawn. That's a lot of tears in a lot of airports around the world.

But immigration reform for LGBT people isn't just about lesbian and gay married couples. It's also about LGBT people who either want to come here or need to come here because where they live, they could be beaten,removedd, imprisoned, or killed for being queer. 

12 years later of

List of Democrats Who Voted for Defense Act With Ban on Transgender Care___