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Cross-posted from "Epicurean" by in !


More seriously though, nowadays when people call themselves Epicurean, they mean just the life philosophy stuff, not the physics stuff :D

  • Also Epicurism is not "standard self-help manual" and I'll die on this hill. If the majority of people followed epicurist lifestyles, Capitalism would fucking collapse :D In fact, Epicurism was so radical, the early Christian states went to extreme lengths to stamp out its influence, destroy all its books and then spent hundreds of years in propaganda to make people believe Epicurism means the exact opposite of what it says (which is why to this day, most people think Epicurism is synonymous with excession)

  • Stoicism in its modern resurgance in a nutshell with respect to the "self-help" bit, especially among the Andrew Tate types.

  • Crossposting my comment (when will my people truly be free federated?):

    Daoists spent thousands of years developing alchemy and practices to attain immortality. It's wild to me, because the Daodejing seems pretty clear in it's praise of nature, cycles, and being one with the order of nature. So to decide, collectively, that actually breaking those cycles and living forever is definitely what Laozi would have wanted is really something.

    So yeah, considering that 90% of the canon is books of magic for achieving spiritual perfection, I pick and choose!

    Syncretization and selection are the norms in all beliefs though. How many people who claim any ideology truly believe in all the tenets and consequences of their chosen system? How many Christians are just asking their buddy Jesus for a hand and have no idea of a single thing the man actually (allegedly) taught?