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Broke: Space Marines can't be feeeeeemale because the geneseed chemicals only work on men

Woke: That doesn't even make sense, stop being weird

Bespoke: Space Marines can't be feeeeeemale because they're all gay for each other. It's just a giant polycule. they ain't talking about war when they call each other "battle brother".

  • masterstroke: warhammer lore reeks now, the setting takes itself too seriously and isn't enjoyable satire anymore, and if they released women space marines in 2002 they would have just said "The Lost Primarch Guineverus brings her cyberglaive to the empire's aid as Amazis Prime is released from the warp along with the previously thought lost Venusian Geneseed, buy our new figures to fight for the empire" or something instead of this weird beating around the bush to appease the unironic nazi ass fanbase

    not that the setting wasn't always cryptonazi with the tradcath aesthetic but the pandering has become real and any pretense of satire or goofy elements has pretty much been abandoned

    RETVRN to dawn of war 1 cutscenes, franchise fuckin peaked there

  • It would be SOOOOO easy for them to just say that AFAB people can undergo the Spacemarinification process, you just end up with a being that is physically indistinguishable from an AMAB Space Marine.

    Either invent some "gene-wash" process that tweaks literally a single one out of four dozen chromosomes, or, frankly, say there always was one and the chapters using it just didn't broadcast the fact.

    It's the laziest option that resolves the problem, while also being almost kind of interesting - a warrior order that doesn't select only men, but that joining causes you to become a man.

    In fact fuck it, I paint Space Marines, from now on under their armor half my dudes have non-functioning vaginas instead of non-functioning penises.

  • well, Astarte is an ancient Levantine goddess of war, so essentially Adeptus Astartes already have a bit of the Female Chaos Dragon in them if you think about it

    Space Marines are all eggs, confirmed

  • Bebroke: Space Marines can't be feeeeemale because they lost the technology for turning feeeemales into Space Marines and therefore that technology is heretical

  • So a couple years ago my ex asks me for my opinion. I didn't know anything about Warhammer at the time but he was all pissy and wanted to know if I thought his game was anti-feminist. "Some woman on the internet says they should be allowed to play women Astartes!"

    ...I didn't know what that meant. So, I asked some questions, followed up on them, and I'll tell you what I boiled it down to;

    "In this super future game where science can grow people from cells, it can only grow men, and that's because they're clones of some guy?"

    "Okay... but they're not actually clones of that guy. Or the guys they're patterned off. So why is it that whatever magic super future science stuff you're suspending your disbelief for, you can't suspend it long enough to make women?"

    Never have gotten an answer to that one.