Checking in
Checking in
Checking in
Check failed
No horny here. Yep 😇
I do not pass the check
I saw this yesterday lol
For some reason it won't let me post the actual last pic on my phone, which is a yucky rotor I cleaned up and tested at work today. Maybe because it's from the camera? Idk. That's the most recent it would let me post
Check failed successfully
Shouldn't it be other way around?
I think the designer assumed if they are that obese, the stairs may trigger a heart attack. Either that or they assume that fat people are lazy.
Uhhh, yeah I can't explain myself out of this one.
without your comment I wouldnt have though nothing of it. With your comment I suspect you have a piss fetish
wouldnt have though nothing of it
So without the comment what did you think of it?
You need the rest of it: