Just don't let your brain trick you with the old switcheroo. I would be tickled by the thought that tooth paste sounds like fool's haste and before I know it I'm repeating that. Until I stop suddenly, scratching my head and wondering what I was trying to achieve in the first place.
Only tangentially related, but when I was a kid I'd write stream-of-consciousness type stuff in a "code" consisting of the first letter of every word. Whenever I run across one of my old notebooks, I spend some time trying to decipher it, generally without much luck. Sometimes it'll spark a bit of remembrance, like dipping madeleines in tea.
I've absolutely done this... I put a tag on my bag I bring to work that just says "dumbass!" If I need to remember to take something with me or do something after work.
Sometimes I'm just like "yeah... Dumbass... What thing were you supposed to do, dumbass?" Lol